Chapter 1: Waffles and school.

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Izuku walked inside and looked around in awe, the house had a modern look and was open with some windows "it's so big!!!" he exclaimed while his hands touched his face and ran around giving everything a good look. Aizawa and Hizashi smiled at the sight "you wanne see your room little listener" Hizashi asked to which Izuku nodded eagerly "alright!!" he picked the green haired boy up and put him in his neck and started to walk up the stairs Aizawa following close.

They stopped in front of a door and Hizashi put the boy down and opened the door, Izuku walked inside and looked around Aizawa went to stand next to his husband "we didn't decorate it because we wanted to give you the opportunity to do it yourself." He said "but if you want we'll always be glad to help" Hizashi piped in. Izuku smiled "thank you, I will make this the best room in the entire world" he smiled.

After a house tour they decided what they wanted to eat of course they let Izuku decide. "pizzaaa!!" the boy jumped up and down while giving the biggest smile so naturally the ordered some pizza after that they watched a movie to which Midoriya fell asleep to so Aizawa had to carry him to his room and tucked him in after that the couple also went to bed.

The next morning Hizashi woke up and opened his eyes only to see two big green eyes staring into his "wow! Good morning little listener" he smiled while also stretching he looked to the other side of the bed where his partner slept but found it empty "Zawa asked me to come get you he made waffles" Midoriya smiled with closed eyes and his head tilted to the side. "waffles you say hmm?" Midoriya nodded his head "Jupp!". Hizashi sat up "okay I'll be down in a sec" he said to the boy while ruffling his hair "okay!" Midoriya jumped of the bed and ran downstairs

"he told me he'll be down in a sec" Midoriya said while taking a seat at the table "alright" Aizawa said while putting a waffle in front of Izuku and gave him a kiss on his fluffy hair and went back to making the waffles. Midoriya smiled at the gesture it reminded him of his mom she always did that too. A few minutes later Hizashi came down the stairs and went over to his husband to give him a kiss and take a waffle and sat down in front of Midoriya "so does he make the best waffles or what" Hizashi said while stuffing the waffle in his mouth "yeshh!" Midoriya said also with a full mouth. "please swallow before you two decide to talk" Aizawa said a little disgusted by their actions "sorry Zawa" Midoriya said after he swallowed the waffle "okay I'll forgive you" he smiled at Midoriya "but you" he said looking at his partner "not so easy" Aizawa said while he sat down next to Midoriya "what! How can you forgive me?" he said with pleading eyes "hmmm, if you do the dishes" Aizawa said pointing with his fork that had a piece of waffle on it only to put it in his mouth a second later. Hizashi crossed his arms "fine."

After the said dishes were done they put Izuku in the car and decided to go shopping for him. It was Izuku's first time at the mall and he was having a blast after the first minutes they were there Izuku started running of to things he saw so after that Hizashi decided to hold his hand so he wouldn't get lost. They bought him some clothes and some room decorations, by sunset they had their hands full with stuff for their little ray of sunshine. The ride home Hizashi looked back at Izuku and saw that he was fast asleep in his seat "aww, he is sleeping" Hizashi cooed and Aizawa looked in the rear view mirror and smiled. They had already eaten in the mall so Hizashi put Midoriya immediately in his bed, they would unpack everything tomorrow and decorate. Tomorrow was also the last day of summer vacation so that meant that they still had to enrol him into a school.

And which also meant that they both were gonna have fresh first years in UA that should be fun right? No. Aizawa hated first year students some of them were too obsessed with themselves. Hopefully this year will be different.

The next day was filled with helping decorate Midoriya's room he had a lot of All Might stuff posters and things like that. Hizashi was putting the last poster up when Aizawa walked inside the room and leaned against the doorframe "well kid, you just became a student of Aldera preschool" Aizawa couldn't believe that Midoriya was gonna be 5 years old in a few weeks. Izuku smiled at the new information "I can't wait! I'm gonna make tons of new friends" Zawa and Zashi smiled at the sight when a knock on the door interrupted the moment "I'll go see who it is" Aizawa said. He went down stairs and opened the door.

"Oh... It's you" he said with no emotion in his voice.

"oh hey Eraserhead, do you mind if I come in for a second?" said none other than All Might "yes. Yes I do mind" he said with a serious face when the beaming voice of his husband came from behind him "of course we don't mind!" he yelled and Aizawa looked annoyed he didn't want to be bothered with school stuff right now he had one last day before hell began. "well I just had one question for tomorrow since it's my first day at UA" All Might explained "and why did you have to come to us for this there are plenty of other teachers" he said monotone "well your house is the closest" he said with a smile "I guess it's time to move then" he said with a sigh before walking away and let his husband deal with the situation.

They were talking in the living room about how tomorrow would go, well... Hizashi was doing all the talking Aizawa was forced to listen when something came running down the stairs "Zawa! Zashi! You have to come look at my room it's finally done" he said stopping at the last step and looking at the skinny blond man that was on the couch, they stared at each other for a few seconds when All Might spoke "oh, sorry I didn't know you had a... son?" he said but more like a question. Midoriya walked up to the couch, sat down and hid behind Aizawa he was still shy when it came to people he didn't know. "yea we adopted the little guy a few weeks ago, but he has been here for 2 days" Hizashi said "wow I didn't know you guys were looking into adoption I'm glad you did because he is super cute" All might said with a smile.

Izuku smiled and buried his face deeper in his dads shoulder "so what's your name?" All Might questioned, Midoriya peeked from behind Aizawa's shoulder and whispered "Izuku, sir" even though it was quiet All Might still heard "wow you have a beautiful name young Izuku" he said with a kind smile "thank you sir" he said back hiding in his previous spot "oh you can call me All Might young Izuku" that sparkled Izuku's interest, he stood up in the couch and leaned on his dads shoulders "wait your All Might!!!" he shouted. "the one and only kid" he said spreading his arms "but you don't look like him?" he said with a questioning look, All Might looked down and panicked, he forgot he was still in his normal form and quickly transformed in his muscle form and said his well known catch phrase "I AM HERE!" Midoriya's eyes sparkled with happiness while Aizawa rolled his eyes "well it's time for bed little man" Aizawa said picking him up and prompting him up on his hip.

"but I wanne keep talking to All Might and im not tired yet" he said while letting out a big yawn "your yawn says otherwise" Aizawa said while taking the boy upstairs "bye, little man! Have a good night rest!" he said waving at the kid "I'm sure we'll meet again pretty soon" Aizawa glared at him and walked up stairs. All Might turned back in his normal form "sometimes I forget im still in this skinny form and I can't keep one for all up for long and I've already used it today" he said looking down. "don't worry friend Izu won't tell anyone" they stood up "I hope we've answered your question" Hizashi said while walking towards the door "yea thanks, give Shota my regards" he smiled and waved goodbye "will do Mighty!"

Later that night Aizawa was woken up by someone calling his name "Zawa, Zawa" it was above a whisper but still quiet, he turned on his lamp and saw Izuku standing on his side of the bed he glanced at his alarm and I showed 2:30 am "is something wrong Izu?" he asked and Izuku nodded "I had a bad dream can I sleep with you?" Aizawa smiled softly and patted the spot between him and Hizashi "of course Izu" Izuku climbed onto the large bed and lays down between his dads. Aizawa turned the lamp off and put his arm around Izuku "goodnight Izu" he said while closing his eyes "g'night dad" he said with a tired voice. Shota's eyes opened back when he heard Izuku say that gave him a kiss on his hair and hugged his son close during the night.

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