Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

    Kidnapping is no trivial matter. Wu Siyuan first called the police and told the police about the current situation.

    At the time of calling the police, Wu Siyuan also encountered a minor car accident, because he managed to dodge it. Except for the driver who crashed, there were no casualties.

    Originally, the police who thought Qin Siyuan was overwhelmed? Immediately dispatched staff to the vicinity of He Gaoyi.

    And the driver of the crash, besides being sent to the hospital, was also the focus of the police.

    #Qin Siyuan?Car accident#'s entry soon became a hot search, and Wu Siyuan had to come forward to refute the rumors, so that the marketing account would mourn him soon.

    Afterwards, around the driver's motive, whether online or by the police, they all tried their best to know.

    After the original owner's parents learned the news, they immediately contacted Wu Siyuan.

    However, although they were angry, they did not want Wu Siyuan to investigate further.

    This made Wu Siyuan, who had already guessed who did it, locked in a few targets in an instant.

    In the past life, the parents let the family members suppress the original owner.

    In this life, I still want to let these people go.

    Perhaps, this is the management concept of the big family, right?


    They just put their interests first, for fear that these cannibalism scandals will damage the family business. Endure as long as you can,? They think so.

    But Wu Siyuan felt that if he endured it, there would be a next time. Would he endure it every time?

    He thought that the original owner in the plot did not create too many benefits for the family, and was disliked by his parents.

    In this life, although I don't make much money, I still have a similar attitude.

    Although it is a little better than the plot, especially when he called back. But after getting along for so long, they found that although they still cared about the son of the original owner, the original owner was really nothing compared to the family business and the clansmen.

    Maybe everything that would damage the reputation of the family business, they don't want to see.

    The original owner's reputation was damaged before, and when he saw him calling back for help, he quickly helped suppress it.

    But in the plot, because the original owner did not obey, or felt that the original owner was naive towards love, he would rather watch the original owner in mud.

    Wu Siyuan couldn't understand what they were thinking, his son almost had an accident, but he was more concerned about everyone being kind and taking a step back.

    They will settle it well and talk to them well.

    Wu Siyuan was silent for a while, and told the police about his guess.

    Recently, he is cleaning up some worms in the enterprise, and maybe too many relatives are not convinced.

    But since he was all right, the most important thing at the moment was He Gaoyi, who might become a hostage.

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