Mission from Snezhnaya

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Rays of sunlight streamed through the window of Childe's room in The Northland Bank of Liyue. "Hm," he muttered grumpily and turned over on the bed to avoid being blinded by the light. These rays announced the start of the new day but Childe didn't want to accept it. A few more minutes wouldn't affect the order of the day either. He had been on administrative duties for a little over 3 months now, which he enjoyed the least. Being placed in Liyue, he had to take care of the Debt Collection Division. He hadn't worked hard in his training within the Fatui to be sitting in a chair reading through reports and signing detention orders. He thought becoming a Harbinger would only consist of battles with strong opponents, what a disappointment - sometimes -. But because of his pride, Childe was exceptionally reliable at accomplishing the tasks given to him, no matter how easy or difficult they may be or if they go against his values.

Activity was beginning to be audible in the adjoining rooms. Childe was awake but still lying in bed with his eyes closed. "It is my duty after all", he thought. He sat up and looked through the bars of the window. Life was already filling every corner of the streets of Liyue, merchants already had their stalls open and citizens were coming to shop. Childe got out of bed, went to the shower and dressed in his Snezhnaya uniform.

Before leaving his room he made sure to take all his weapons with him. Even if he didn't need to face anyone - officially -, he always, always had to carry each and every one of them with him. He had learned from his experience in the Abyss that one must always be on guard.

"Good morning, Tartaglia", Ekaterina greeted as soon as she saw him walk out the door. She couldn't help but notice his messy hair.

"Good morning", Childe returned, "Have you already had breakfast?"

"Yes, Sir. I have taken coffee to go to be on duty at the front desk, I'm waiting for a customer to come in for a financing."

"Always so efficient, Ekaterina. Thank you. I guess I'll have to convoke you guys for a team breakfast in advance."

"No need, Sir", Ekaterina replied with a blush.

"It's been a long time since we all sat together", Childe told her with a smile.

Childe was always considerate of his colleagues, they were delighted to work with him, contrary to his reputation among the Harbingers. They had never had any problems with Tartaglia, that didn't mean they weren't always alert to his changing moods, but of all the Harbingers, Tartaglia was the best superior. Ekaterina even felt a little pitiful for him, seeing him so young and so dedicated to his work, when he should be spending time with his friends and family. Of course, it was difficult to spend time with family when he was on the other side of the world and as for friends... she could consider that he only had one, Zhongli, the consultant of the The Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. Being the 11th Harbinger did not help him either to make friends within Liyue even though, unlike his peers, he enjoyed cultural sorties in the place. Anyway, it was enough for him, he would meet Zhongli often enough to disconnect, either for lunch or drinks, and he found him to be a very interesting person, he literally knew everything about anything. Besides, he always listened to him and would take what he had to say seriously. Among the Fatuus, especially among the higher ranks, he was considered somewhat of a child, which frustrated him a lot. Childe thought that someday, after he dominated the world, they would have to shut their mouths and obey his orders.

"As you wish, Sir. I won't keep you any longer. I'll be in the offices if you need anything."

"Thank you, Ekaterina", he said goodbye with a smile as he headed for the staircase. Just below the level of the rooms was the floor of meeting rooms and offices. The one good thing about doing administrative duties as a Harbinger was that he had his own private office.

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