5. Sketches & Headaches

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Sorry it's short

    I hoped that having something to look forward to would make the week go by faster. But it did the complete opposite. Eddie started to talk to me more, in our classes, during lunch, after school. Robin didn’t seem to mind, in fact, she seemed to enjoy watching the interactions.

    Thursday morning I woke up with a splitting headache. Even though I felt horrible, I knew we were starting a new topic in trig, so I went to school. I could hardly focus and I was out of it. I guess Eddie noticed because when I closed my eyes for a moment, I felt a piece of paper sliding under my arm. I picked it up and glanced at him, he kept his eyes forward. When I unfolded the paper, a crude sketch of Mrs. O’donell with devil horns and a pitch fork was looking up at me with an evil smirk. An accidental snort escaped me, pulling Mrs. O’donell’s attention. Her right hand planted itself on her hip. She shot daggers at me with disapproving eyes. “Would you like to share with the rest of the class?” I bit the inside of my cheek to suppress another laugh. “No, ma’am…sorry.” With that she turned back to the board. I opened my journal and tried to focus, but the sound of Eddie laughing softly kept me distracted.

    When my headache didn’t dissipate, I decided to avoid the bright lights in the cafeteria and instead go to the auditorium. I let Robin know that I was going to go find somewhere to sit that wouldn’t make it feel like hammers were bumping around in my brain. She gave me a thumbs up and went back to eating her lunch. As I left the cafeteria, I heard footsteps catching up to me. I turned around to see Eddie following behind. Once he caught up, our footfalls fell in sync. We didn’t talk as we walked down the hall. I expected that he’d follow, I hoped he would.

    The door closed behind us, and we were alone in the dark room. My hand waved at my side in search of Eddie's. Once I found it, I took hold and led him in the direction I remembered the staircase being. I felt around for the railing, the feeling of cold metal sending a chill down my spine upon contact. The staircase creaked under our weight just as it had the first time. We depended on the railing and each other to make our way to the middle of the catwalk. Once we were there, we sat down, legs dangling over the stage.

    I rested both of my arms on the railing and used them to cradle my head. We continued to sit in silence. But it was a nice silence, not awkward at all, rather comfortable. Eddie’s warmth next to me soon sent me into a desperately needed sleep. When the bell rang, he gently nudged me awake, softly calling my name. “(Y/N)...” Since the darkness deprived us of our sight, I took hold of his hand to assure him that I had woken up. He helped me to my feet and led me out of the auditorium. The sudden change in lighting made my eyes sting, but my headache was thankfully gone. We walked together to sixth, earning a few looks from people passing by. Eddie seemed to ignore them, so I did the same.

This chapter was supposed to be longer but I decided to split it up and I’ll write the next part later. Thank you so much for reading. If I can’t sleep I’ll write the next chapter tonight.

Love ya, bye

𝕽𝖊𝖈𝖐𝖑𝖊𝖘𝖘 (Eddie Munson × Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now