4. Our Spot (two)

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Our footfalls echoed through the vacant hall mixed with hushed giggling and whispering. “Where are we going-” “The whole school can hear you. Keep it down.” I rolled my eyes in spite of the fact that I was enjoying his banter. I didn’t know what I was doing. I just knew that I was following a boy I hardly knew into a blind situation. Did I stop, though? No. And I’m glad I didn’t.

We took a sharp left down a small hallway and arrived infront of a door. Eddie opened the door and bowed dramatically. “M’lady.” I must have looked like an idiot with how big I was smiling. “Thank you, kind sir.” I walked through the door and he followed, shutting it behind him. I recognized the place as the backstage area of the auditorium. My eyes wandered around the space, taking in the various lights, curtains, and ropes. Eddie stepped forward, standing at my side. “It’s pretty neat.” I didn’t reply. Instead, I found the narrow staircase leading to the catwalk.

“What are you-” He started to follow me up. The staircase creaked under our weight. I stepped onto the platform and made my way to the middle. Once Eddie caught up, I used the railing to steady myself as I sat down, my feet dangling over the side. I wasn’t facing him, but I could feel his presence as he sat down next to me. We sat their in silence a moment. It was nice. The auditorium looked much bigger from this angle. So high up, no one else. Just us. Eddie’s rings rhythmically clinking on the metal railing broke the silence. “I’ve been here thousands of times. But I never came up here. It seems kind of stupid. I didn’t even know you could come up here.” He let out a breathy laugh and rested his elbows on the railing. “It’s kind of cool though.” I could see a smile forming on his face and felt one forming on my own. “Well, don’t go telling people about this spot. We don’t need everyone coming up here.”

    A slight glint shone in his eye as he turned toward me with a growing smirk. “So, in a sense, this would be our spot.” My mind immediately went blank. I took a second to process what he said while he just stared at me with that same look. I turned my head away from him, staring down at the floor my feet were hovering over. My answer came easier when avoiding his gaze. “I-...I guess you could think of it like that.” Heat flooded to my ears once I realized what was happening. He was getting to me.

    “A spot for me and a pretty girl. Doesn’t sound too bad. What do you think?” I felt my eye physically twitch as his arm brushed against mine. I inhaled deeply through my nose and lifted my head. “Sounds perfect.” His lips parted into a wide grin. “Perfect? Well,” he adjusted his position and pulled himself up with the railing. “They say perfection is impossible. But, you stand apart from that.” I clasped my hand over my mouth as I tried to suppress a laugh. “What? Too cheesy?” He reached out his hand and helped me up. “Yeah, a bit.” I pressed my back against the railing with a soft laugh. 

    We talked and talked for the rest of the hour. He was actually really nice, and incredibly funny. I got caught up in the conversation when the bell rang. Eddie clasped his hands together and smiled. “Looks like we’re out of time.” He again, bowed dramatically, looking up at me through dark strands of hair. “Good day, my fair lady.” The gesture was a bit strange, but intriguing none the less. So I went along with it and curtsied. “Good day to you as well, kind sir.” Once we were both returned to a standing position, he stepped forward. His hand reached out and tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear. My breath hitched. “If you’re interested, the Hellfire Club is holding a campaign Friday night. You should stop by.” His hand lingered for a moment longer before he gently pulled away and started down the stairs. 

    I watched him walk away, light flooding in and disappearing as the stage door shut behind him. I sucked in deep, realizing I was hold my breath. My hand floated up to the spot by my ear, gliding my fingers over it. 


I was going to update last night but as soon as I sat down to write the next chapter, I couldn’t figure out how to transition into it. I hope this is okay because I blanked hard.

I realized that the tone in which I am writing this story is very different from my other. Probably because this one isn’t set in 1959, but you know. The difference is there. Don’t know why I mentioned it. Also, I got acrylics so as I’m typing I can hear the lovely clickety clack. Delicious. I watched Make Up last night. I feel like I dreamed half of it because some stuff didn’t add up but it was good. Joe was cute as hell in it. Today was the last day to register to take the ACT and I forgot…..It’s fine.

18, crazy. I know what you want from me. I know what you want from me. So if you wanna piss off your parents. Date me to scare them. Show them you’re all grown up. If long hair and tattoos are what attract you, baby, then you’re in luck. 

Love ya, bye

𝕽𝖊𝖈𝖐𝖑𝖊𝖘𝖘 (Eddie Munson × Fem!Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang