The Eclipse

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Songs For this Chapter are :

Augustine's Walkabout

Imagine Dragons Demons

Imagine Dragons Radio Active

Tom Odell Another Love

Mandy's Pov. . .

I wake up it's been a week since I turned it back on I still feel guilty about what I did the lives I took but it's lifting as each day passes.

Nathan is out of control no one has seen him in the past week but that doesn't mean the news of his " ripper phase " Didn't get back to us here I think he is in New York or somewhere and he isn't even been careful the news is calling it a serial killer well it kinda is I guess in a way.

Today's Focus is breaking Arabella's sire bond we have been trying Monica has been trying all kind of spells to re route Arabella's brain I think she likes inflicting pain on her she would never admit it but she does it's obvious

" I can't do it anymore " Arabella says and slumps to the floor her head in her hand as Monica lowers her finger

" That's it then that's anything and everything I could think of I can not break the sire bond " Monica says and walks from the room

" Wait there must be something else " Nick says and Monica shrugs

" Maybe death " She says simply with a smirk

" Very funny " Arabella spits back flipping her long wavy blonde haior over her shoulder

" No actually that's not a bad idea " Nick says and we are all surprised

" What it is the worst idea in the history of ideas " Arabella moans

" There's an Eclipse tonight right ? meaning people dead on the other side can pass through me we kill you temporarily and you come back it might break the sire bond what do you think ? " Nick asks and Monica nods

" I think no w.." I pull Arabella's Heart from her chest

" There just a few hours and she will be back in all her annoying glory I'm not having her sired to my husband for. well forever " I say and drop her heart with her body Nick and Monica just look surprised but it had to be done Nick would't kill Arabella and I doubt Monica would so I did end of its only temporary anyway

Nathan's Pov New York City ....

" We heard about you you are that serial killer son of Sam " The frightened voice speaks to me blood dripping down my chin his girlfriend was delicious and now lies dead

" Son of Greyson but close enough " I say zooming and biting into his neck and draining him

My cell phone rings again and I roll my eyes and answer it you'd think people would take a hint after 37 times that I literally don't want to talk.

" Hello Vampire Hotline Nathan speaking "

" Nathan it''s Mandy "

" What do you want ? " I say walking down the deserted New York streets blood staining my white t shirt good job its Halloween and every one is dressed up

" Are you okay ? " She asks her voice soft and nice ?

" Yes I am very well and well fed " I say and the line goes silent for a moment

" However bad things seem I am here for you don't shut me out we have survived worse I Love you Nathan always have always will " I hang up the phone and crush it in my hand

I walk further into the alley way that smells of piss and whatever else and a guy comes up to me

" Gimme your money " He says with a knife oh this is gonna be fun

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