Dazai's birthday special

Start from the beginning

He hopelessly sighed, getting the man a very unthoughtful roll of bandages as a present. He couldn't tell why he felt guilty for that, Dazai fucking left him so why should he be entitled to give hin a good gift? His eyes narrowed as he stared at the bandage roll he got for the man.

"God dammit, what else would I get him besides what he's so obsessed with?! Why am I guilty always, it's all he wants anyways." Chuuya grumbles to himself. He sat on his couch, waiting for the time that stupid party was to take place.


The whole day was spent having fun between the two agency members. Dazai, completely oblivious as to why Atsushi truthfully took him out today, enjoyed every bit of the day. Every time Dazai was distracted, Atsushi used it to his favor to text the agency and check in on how things were going.

The time rolled around, about 5pm, for the duo to head back in time for the party. Dazai yawned, quite tired from running around for 11 hours. Rain was sure to come and it was almost pitch black out due to the time of the year. "Well then, Dazai-san, let's head back to the agency now!" Atsushi called, walking along side Dazai.

As they made it to the front of the agency, Atsushi rushed inside, leaving Dazai a while back. He didn't bother follow as fast, knowing they were both going to the same place anways. Finally, he arrived at the office door and opened it with a sigh of relief to be somewhere he can relax.

Yeah.. relax was far from here. Everyone in the room called out in unison, "Happy Birthday!", one of which seemed reluctant to do so. Dazai scanned the room as they hollered this, some mafia members and Poe were here. Decorations littered the place as food was set in tables around. Chuuya was the one so grumpy to say the strange phrase

Dazai couldn't help but stare, confused. Everyone stared at him, his reaction a bit startling to the lot. "Happy what?" he mumbled, not aware everyone heard him. Dazai thought hard back to that morning where he saw the name of this phrase, how he recalled people saying it to him and him saying it to others. His face must be twisted in a confused and upset look, because Kunikida pops in.

"Dazai?" he asks. Dazai doesn't answer, just thinks. He finally recalls a time he was told how birthdays were quite useless.


"Boss, today is the day I was born 15 years agi. Apparently thats called a birthday. Crazy, isn't it?" A now fifteen year old Dazai told the man who raised him.

"Why I guess it is, Dazai. But please, dont become obsessed with those useless birthday parties. In fact, celebrating is terrible enough. Just accept gifts and praise, tell it to people who have theirs on that day, and forge about it." Mori answered with a ugly ass smile.

"Ah, my apologies. It sounds weak anyways, my full gratitude goes to you for telling me fully, boss." Dazai bowed as he exited the office quietly.

Over time though, Dazai was forced to get Elise presents everytime it was her birthday. He also had to plan and prepare a full party for her, taking up all his time that day every year.

-End of Flashback-

Dazai now knew what was happening here. His face finally began to curl into his facade as he smiled untruthfully. "Ah! How thoughtful! Sorry, I was just thinking about how you all set this up so fast, and how you got the slug to come!" Dazai lied with a laugh. Everyone stared at him skeptically, knowing he probably wasn't aware they heard what he had said.

"Dazai.." Atsushi started but was quickly cut off by Kunikida, who gave him a glance which spoke to let this play out. Dazai saw the scene unfold and his eye twitched. He did something qrong and it slipped. People were worrying about him and he hated it. He clenched his fists, his smile tightening to that of a clearly forced one with a hint of anger.

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