Letter from a Mentor

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The city was bright and joyous, expressing their gratitude to MK and his friends whenever they saw them. No one knew who Iris was at the time and she was glad, it gave her more reason to hang out with Macaque and his small monkeys. Mei was even having fun with her new abilities and used her 'training with Redson' as an excuse for him to get away from his parents and hang out with MK. It was common at this point to see Redson at the noodle shop, even Iris when she wasn't hanging out with Macaque. Speaking of the emo monkey, both he and Wukong began to go through some therapy with Sandy, who had many offers as to what both could do.

Now both didn't try to kill the other when they saw each other unless one taunted the other by embarrassing them or being annoying somehow. But you would see them often at the noodle shop if either weren't on their mountain or their secret dojo. It was another day and MK was on his break, sitting next to Redson with a bright smile as he played a video of Sandy's most recent therapy session. Both snickered as Macaque and Wukong were forced to hold hands and weren't allowed to whine or else they'd be stuck there for another hour. Wukong was disgusted as Macaque remained still, his eye twitching as he looked at the ground.

"He's so pissed." Redson snickered as he pointed to Macaque, Iris heard them and walked over to the two. "Can I see? Mei said she'd be late for the arcade." Iris said with a slight frown. "Oh sure, here." MK said as he gestured to the empty spot next to him. Iris had grown on both MK and Macaque, being like a sister to MK and a daughter to Macaque. Macaque hasn't really said this to Iris but it's obvious how protective he gets when she's talking to someone randomly at the shop. Iris smiled gleefully as she sat next to MK, making sure not to take up much of his space as she looked at his screen. Iris snickered as she put her hand over her mouth. "Rumble and Savage are so gonna mock him when I tell them."

"If you're talking about the stupid session with Sandy-" the three looked up and saw an annoyed Macaque with a smug grin Wukong behind him, at the door. "Don't. Or else I'll also tell them where you hide those stupid sweets you bring when you come to my dojo." Macaque grumbled as he made his way to an empty table, Iris pouted as she folded her arms across her chest. "That's not what you said when I told you they were mango flavored." Macaque froze as Wukong gasped gleefully, Redson and MK already shaking their heads in disappointment. "Awww! That was your favorite thing to eat when we were kids!" Wukong said, Macaque mumbled curses under his breath as he pouted at his stall, Iris walking over to the emo. "Monkey king, please don't tease him." MK asked, Wukong sighed in defeat as he took Iris's old spot.

"Alright.... only because you asked." Wukong smiled as Sandy walked into the shop, a notebook in hand. "Do you do the essential oils I recommended?" Redson asked the giant water ogre, Sandy nodded with a smile. "Yup, thanks for those by the way." Sandy said before turning to his notebook and opening it to reveal a red envelope. "Hey MK, this came for you! Some mailman in purple said he didn't know where you lived and asked if I could bring it for you." Sandy said as he handed it to MK. "Apparently it's from overseas or something." Macaque said as Iris leaned against his side, she was on her phone looking at her social media.

"Huh, didn't think you had any friends from outside the city." Redson said with a smirk, Mei popped in right as MK was about to see who it was from. "YOU HAVE MORE FRIENDS?!" Mei asked with an excited grin. "I don't know, but I know this letter is for me." MK said as Wukong eyed the envelope. "Really? Where's it from?" Mei asked as she slid next to Redson. "Aaaand, Yoink!" Wukong said as he used his tail to nab the envelope. MK grumbled as Wukong looked at who it was from. His grin vanished as his eyes became wide, his face then appeared to be annoyed. "Oh heck no! You don't need any more stupid mentors!" Wukong yelled as he tried to throw the letter away, only for Sandy to grab it and hand it back to MK. "Now Mr. Monkey." Sandy said, Wukong narrowed his eyes as Macaque snickered.

"What did we say if MK wants to go see more mentors?" Sandy asked sternly, Wukong sighed in defeat as he folded his arms across his chest. "To not be annoyed because it doesn't mean he's not satisfied with my training." Wukong grumbled, Sandy pat his head as MK picked up the envelope again and looked at who the sender was. Redson looked with a raised brow as he noticed MK's grip tightened on the paper. Wukong grumbled as he walked back to the table and sat next to MK. "Well, who's it from?" Pigsy asked as he and Tang turned to MK.

"It's from uh... my hometown?" MK asked nervously, everyone was surprised by this, Wukong and Mei even yelled out in confusion. Macaque snapped his fingers and a cup of coffee appeared next to him. "But I have no idea who this 'Sensi Wu' is." MK said with a shrug. When Macaque heard the name, Macaque choked on his coffee and spat it out, coughing as Iris sat up and pat his back. "I'm okay, thanks." Macaque said as he patted Iris's head, the monkey took a deep breath and cleared his throat. "Sorry, but I know the guy's brother, and let me tell you, neither you want to piss off." Macaque said with a chuckle, Wukong rolled his eyes. "Uh huh, sure... open the letter." Wukong said, MK nodded and opened the letter up.

"Uh... I can't read this." MK said sadly as the paper was written in cursive, Redson looked at the letter and hummed. "Dear MK, successor to Sun Wukong, Great Sage equal to heaven." Redson read, shocking MK. "What? It looks like my mother's handwriting." Redson said with a shrug. MK asked him to read it and then Redson took the letter from his boyfriend before putting MK on his lap and setting his head on MK's shoulder. Redson cleared his throat and began to read the letter.

         My Name is Wu, I'd assume you haven't heard of me or the elementals of Ninjago. I train the elemental masters that can control these elements, including your brother and Sister, Nya and Kai Smith. I've heard of your recent victory against the Lady Bone Demon and how you freed the world, even her magic managed to reach our city but not as badly as others. Know that the battle was no easy feat as she was a very powerful demon and I wish to congratulate you on doing so. While I know you already are being trained by Sun Wukong, that is not why I am contacting you.

         After learning that you were the reason Lady Bone Demon was defeated, Kai and Nya wanted to come and meet you. But it is a long way from your home and something wrong is always happening here in Ninjago, so I wish to invite you, your friends, and anyone else you wish to bring along to my monastery that watches over Ninjago City. Below is a number you can use to contact a trusted ally named Cyrus Borg, he will assist with transportation. Of course, if you wish not to come, that is fine too. But I will admit that Kai and Nya are very excited to hear your answer.

Once Redson finished the letter, he flipped it around and saw Borg's number. Redson put the paper down and looked at MK, who seemed shocked and stared at the letter. "MK?" Mei asked as Redson wrapped his arms around MK's torso, but stopped when he felt MK trying to get up. Wukong noticed and slid out of the way, letting his successor leave. "Sorry, I just, need a minute to process this." MK said as he made his way to the stairs and went to his room. Before anyone could say anything, Redson already was going up the stairs and came into MK's room, seeing MK sitting on his bed. "MK? Is everything alright?" Redson asked as he sat in front of MK, one of his hands on MK's knees.

MK looked up at Redson, tears brimming his eyes as he took a shaky breath with a smile. "I-I thought they were gone...." MK said with a shaky smile, Redson frowned and reached his other hand up to MK's cheek. Once MK was calm enough he explained why he was reacting this way. "I was the oldest, 10 when Kai was 8 and Nya was 6. We never knew what happened to our parents so we only had the blacksmith shop that our parents left us. I was always out trying to do things that could help us, but when I came back after a long day than usual, they weren't there. I could never find them and even went to the actual city."

"You found nothing." Redson said with a frown, MK nodded as Redson got off the ground and sat next to MK. Redson hugged MK and held his other hand. "But now I know they're safe." MK said with a smile, Redson smiled and kissed his boyfriend's head. "That you do... does that mean you want to go to this Ninjago City?" Redson said with a smug smile as he knew MK's response. MK nodded as he too smiled at Redson's hand. "Okay, then let's hurry up and explain a few things to everyone else."

Revised: 11/29/2022

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