a family road trip

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Hunter wakes up at 9 am while everyone is asleep but still proceeds to make a cup of coffee and some eggs and toast

H:good thing mom got me this phone or else I'd have no idea to cook

Hunter makes food and begins to eat it


Then he begins to clean the house and pick out his clothes for the date.Bit all of a sudden he hears footsteps approaching down the steps.....It was Luz,Willow, gus and Amity.

L: Hunt did you already eat.....and clean!!!?
W:Hi Hunter
H:H..Hi babe
A:What did I miss!!!
G:What did I miss!!!!
H:Morning Gus and Amity

Mrs.Noceda lights up the camp fire but as she does it hunter's only picture of his boiling isles family had flown out


Hunter used his calamity powers to levitate the picture back


Mrs.Noceda: umm hunter why did you you call Willow  Babe

H:Because we ummm..,,

W:because we like each other

L: they do kisses Amity
A:aww thanks

G:hmmm maybe they need a ship name like....lumity and .....willer nooo lumity and huntlow

H&L:I like it

After breakfast

Mrs.Noceda:ok kids now we're going to the beach soo get  your beach clothes to me and I'll pack them

Everyone gives the clothes to her but hunter packs his own and wears them.

H:I'm ready...Willow gimme your bag
W: here you go thanks

Mrs.Noceda:Everyone get in these seats :

                 Gus   Me
         Amity            Luz
            Hunter  Willow

They all sat down and they started to drive on the motorway

Sat Nav: 1 hour and 2 minutes left

Some time later

Sat nav: 30 minutes left

L:You guys let's play trivia

Everyone except Hunter and willow: OK


They look behind and both of them are sleeping Hunters head on Willow's and they both had earphones on.

L:Let's start

What was the golden guards name


What was his families name

A:Mr.Wittabane , unknown

What happened to his family

G:they...died..,because offf....Belos!

H:yawns Morning guys are we there yet

Mrs.Noceda: yep 2 more corners

After they make the 2 corners

H: Hey willow wake up

W: Hey bae

H:we are here

After they got off

A: woah the sand is so soft and the water is soo smooth nothing compared to the isles

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