The arrival of Zakuro♡ 「CHP : 195」

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Aha, just realize there's so much typo on the last 2 chapters imma head back later to fix it :") (I hope)


Kenshirou : You want us to 'protect them', exactly?

Momoko : I want to have you fight those two in place of No. 15 and No. 634. I was told that everything would be fine so long as they could gather data. Which is why I believe theres no need to go out of our way to have prisoners fight each other. If he handled it poorly, it could end up as a repeat of the New Years Tournament. Besides, No. 634s ability has been sealed by the medical team. Hes not in any state to fight. And in No. 15s case, theres simply too many unknowns. Theres no way to predict what could happen. Letting people like that get involved in this matter is risky even for us

Hajime : So what youre saying is want us to collect data in their place? But if I may ask, how are you planning to explain the situation to your superiors? Simply based on what you said before, it appears that they deliberately want the inmates to fight

Momoko : Yeah, I know. This will definitely go against their wishes... but thats exactly why I wanted to ask this of you

Kenshirou : But why would you go so far...

Momoko : There was just no way that I could go through with it... conducting something thats practically an experiment... no matter what happens from here on out, Ill take responsibility for all of it. So just this once is fine. Can I count on you?

Hajime & Kenshirou : Understood!

Suddenly the office began to shook making the three of them surprise

Momoko : What the-!

Grabbing the walkie talkie quickly, Momoko began contacting Mitsuru to ask about the situation

Momoko : Hitokoe, whats going on?!

Mitsuru : Looks like something got dropped on Building 13 and Building 4

Momoko : What was that?! Why didnt you check what it was?!

Mitsuru : No, well, I did. Any outsider that tries to get close is automatically shot outta the skies, yknow

Momoko : Then how-!?

Mitsuru : If the sensors didnt react, then it means theyre staff. They arrived so suddenly that even my lovely self was surprised. I didnt even have time to inform you. Its not like I can talk back to a VIP, after all

Momoko : What the hell are you say...

before she can finish her word a voice rather someone spoke out making her freeze recognizing it

Sin : Hey there, Miss Momoko. Like I thought, anyone would get excited if theyre given a surprise, right? So, how do you like the present I brought for you?

Momoko : Sin!

growl out Momoko not expecting the arrival of Sin

Momoko : What the hell do you think youre doing?!

Sin : Excuse me? That should be my line. Just what were you planning, I wonder? If you tried to pull off some stunt, Id get stuck taking responsibility for it too, you know. Its plain as day whats on your mind, so I just moved the transfer date up a bit.

Momoko : It cant bastard!

Sin : That's right. Its exactly what you think it is

Meanwhile, at building 13 two or rather 3 inmates were running to check out something or the thing that fell out from the sky, 3rd of them was interested in the thing meanwhile as for the 1 of them wasn't interested at all

Rock : What was that noise?

Nico : It sounded like something fell

Uno : Let's go take a look!

Rock : The heck is that thing?

Nico : It's a black That's what it looks like, right?

Uno : Is there something in it?

Nico : It's not a UFO, is it?

Uno : It's not gonna turn out to be a bomb or something right?

Rock : Is it a package delivery for somebody's online shopping order?

Uno : No way, that can't be it

Nico : Did an alien send it?

Uno : Stop trying to blend genres here

while bickering with each other Jyugo just put his hand on his head and walk away not caring about the "thing" that those 3 were bickering, Jyugo then notice something or more like someone wearing a black robe covering all of its body the only visible thing is that their hands on the glass window looking down as well, without thinking Jyugo approach the person and ask

Jyugo : Hey, whatre you doing over there? Are you a new arrival or something?

Noticing Jyugo the cloak figure turn its body around and said

Zakuro : .....found you. You're prisoner No. 15... Jyugo-kun, right?

Surprise that this stranger knows him Jyugo ask "How'd you know my..." before finishing his sentence he slowly watch as the cloak figure lowered his hood and Jyugo's eyes immediately fixated on the spike coll- no the spike shackle around the strangers neck, the figure then said

Zakuro : Im so glad I finally got to see you! Nice to meet you, Im Prisoner No. 396. Call me Zakuro


Ikkaku : Come to think of it, I havent even introduced myself yet. Im Prisoner No. 1111. Call me Ikkaku

The new prisoner's then take a stance and start to talk together

Zakuro & Ikkaku : I came here with a certain purpose in mind. And that. Was to meet you. Now then, let's hurry up and get started

The End

*Note : we will be transliterating Shin as Sin from now on, based on official artwork from the authors twitter, also yeah :") after Chapter 198 the text translation is mine so... if words don't make sense and so just wanted to say I SUCK OK

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