Hajime, Jyugo & Mitsuru♡「CHP : 223」

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Welcome, i can't wait to start the backstory of jyugo's dad hope you guys enjoy it too~

(woop, I just update now happy late new year even tho it's already march 0-0 anyway I was suppose to update this after I post the last chp but I got lazy -.- as always even tho I have exams and tomorrow is my final exam so why not just update :D sorry for making you guys wait, i'm not on hiatus making this story just usual :D school hhhhh)



Jyugo : Mostly this is kind of my thing, you can say what you want later after you capture me again stupid hajime

Mitsuru : Heh I was hoping I could remove your cuffs~ i'm really surprised, arya? what's wrong

EXPOSE (found out)

Mitsuru : Eh~ what? did you ever think that you didn't get caught? it was a pity~♪ I knew it from the beginning~♪

Hajime : Why have you been silent until now

Hajime said feeling gloomy and looking down at his shoes

Mitsuru : That's because it's more interesting, isn't it~♪

Mitsuru replied to Hajime enjoying the moment that Hajime got caught for Jyugo escaping all the time he then continue

Mitsuru : Anyway, if you look at it again, it's still amazing~ isn't this handcuffs the best one? How did you remove it? nee nee how you do it? can you tell me?

pursue Mitsuru about Jyugo escaping and how he unlock the best handcuffs easily, Jyugo just look away from Mitsuru and pretend he didn't hear him talk but after a long time he replied back with

Jyugo : Somehow, it's to hard to follow

He said not looking at Mitsuru and also sweating a bit

Mitsuru : That's an unusual thing♪

Jyugo : I also can't keep up with this tension of yours

Mitsuru : Eh~? why?

not answering back Jyugo just thought to him self

Jyugo : 'I'm not good dealing with.... this guy'

Forgot that they're not alone in the room Hajime begin to ask

Hajime : So? what are you going to do

Mitsuru : What?

Hajime : About the warden, I'm asking if you're going to report it to the higher ups

Tension surround the air but what surprise Hajime was Mitsuru's answer

Mitsuru : I won't do it♪

He said forming a heart shape with his hands up in the air

Mitsuru : Because if I did that and they knew I was hiding it, it would be dangerous doesn't it

Hajime : Good

Surprised by Hajime, Jyugo then butted in on the conversation

Jyugo : Is it okay

Ignoring Jyugo's question Hajime begin to ask what Mitsuru came here for he just replied saying

Mitsuru : I came all the way here just to see you and also I've come to give you some advice from the future♪

Hajime : Advice?

Mitsuru : Actually, the other day, the warden was planning to leave Nanba, she's not quitting, it's only temporary, but I don't know when she'll be back

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