Special inclusion (1)

Start from the beginning

"Rather do you not want that? Some of my assets are intertwined with yours." Cale jest with a blank face, Alberu stopped for a moment unnoticed by Cale then returned back to signing papers as if he didn't flash a troubled look moments ago.

"Then would you want that? I rather not gain your assets because its added paper works." Alberu replied nonchalantly.

"My personal asset is enough to buy me a palace and I do not want to take over your work." Cale shrugged taking a mental note to prepare vitamins for Alberu who is a workaholic.

Their talk stopped as they both sat in comfortable silence doing their respective task but the thing is they forgot about Hilsman standing next to the door unable to block his eyes and ears from the scene. Chaos started in his mind and he wanted to ask personal questions but he knew his place and kept his mouth shut and thought about who to ask on a later date.

A day in the month

Alberu intertwined his finger together grumbling at the communication orb in front of him that displayed the pleased smile of a certain red-head who was currently on the other side of the continent.

"Congratulations the Inn you established is the number 1 most recommended place to stay at." Alberu grumbled once again.

"Why are you displeased? Don't worry I also plan to rank the markings in the western continent." Cale placed a smile his earnings kept stacking up to the point that he needed another spacial bag.

"Your earning more than the smallest county here." Alberu sigh it was really regretful that Cale doesn't want to work beside him.

Cale snort this brat already tied him down now he wants to chain his hands? "I'll come home later, I will let Ron handle the rest."

"Don't cause trouble you bastard." Alberu replied picking up the pen beside him while skimming at the documents on his other hand.

"Why would I?" With that the call ended Alberu placed the orb on his bookshelf as he began to work again before suddenly looking at Tasha.

"Please ask the maids to change the bed covers to thicker ones and heat the room, that bastard looked cold."

Tasha nodded wordlessly then did as told. Now, she was standing in his nephew's room measuring the temperature.

How odd...

How odd indeed...

Since she was her nephew's assistant she somehow watches the interactions of both people. Alberu and Cale openly bantered with each other they don't even show their business side to each other anymore because they became too comfortable. His nephew would always remember to adjust the temperature of the rooms whenever Cale would visit or plan to visit. And Cale on the other hand always checked on Alberu in terms of work life because Cale said that Alberu is


Which is very much true there was that one time in the middle of the night she was persuading his nephew to sleep and do his work tomorrow but Alberu refused. She was about to leave the room when Cale suddenly opened the bedroom door that was connected to Alberu's working area.

Let me clarify things first. Alberu have two working areas, one is originally where all the previous leader's worked the 'Official' office then the other that is connected to his bed chambers.

"The room is too cold." Cale grumbled walking over Alberu's desk to give him a grunt.

"This punk- you haaaaa..." Alberu stopped working and walked back to the room with Cale adjusting the temperature using magic for the grumbling red-head.

"Is that better?" Alberu asked as he checked Cale if he was shivering or not.

"Better, let's sleep already." Cale half asleep at that time tugged Alberu's sleeve before dumping himself on the bed.

Alberu sigh indignantly before removing his gloves and closing the door forgetting about his dear aunt who stayed late with him.

Tasha could only blink before heading to bed herself but instead of sleeping soundly due to exhaustion her mind was muddled with confusion the same feeling everyone secretly felt.

Did his nephew unconsciously lined up to hit a home-run?

The next day Tasha looked too exhausted that even Alberu asked her to sleep more.

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