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"I know I was the one who asked but aren't you accepting it without much fuss?" Alberu wondered as he stared at the now healed hands of his.

"Do you want me to take it back?" Cale shrugged.

"No need to." Alberu stopped prying as Cale might actually drop it.

"Don't be too sure yet, you have to ask my father you know?" Cale smirked as he stood up and stretched lightly.

"Then I shall visit in due time after the fuss dies down a little." Alberu also stood up and walked towards his desk full of papers from the events of the other day.

"Miss Rosalyn." On cue Rosalyn prepared the teleportation spell for them, the location was set on Alberu's personal garden where the children were.

"Human! How did it go did you scam the prince?" Raon's face suddenly appeared out of nowhere as Rosalyn's magic died down, Cale frowned as he was now feeling the weight of his answers.

"Human? Whats wrong human? You looked like you got scammed?!" Raon raised his two chubby paws towards the sky and stared at the human who seemed out of it.

"I got... tricked." Finally thinking about his answer Cale slapped his forehead using his palm. Ruffling his hair he let out a frustrated sigh.


-Henituse Territory 3 days later-

"Duke Deruth!" Hans opened the door of the office in a rush forgetting to knock.

Duke Deruth who was with Basen and Violan frowned but let it go as it was rare for his servant to do this.

"The emperor! The emperor is requesting an audience!" Hans who got his breath and reason inhaled and positioned himself correctly as if he didn't barge in.

"The emperor? Connect the communication device I will be there." Duke Deruth handed the papers about Harris village to Basen as he stood up.

"No!" Hans once again lost his composure "He is here! On the Guest room! Requesting for an audience!" Hans explained as he tried to maintain his composure.

Their eye's widened in shock as they tried to scramble towards the door but Violan held out her hand to stop them.

"He is an uninvited guest, he should learn to wait as this is disrespectful." With her elegant posture and voice she strode towards her room to prepare. Honestly, she had been waiting for this she had a gut feeling about something regarding her son but never really knew what it was about, and when she heard about the emperors sudden visit pieces flew in together. Now she just needs confirmation if her guest is correct.

Looking at the back of his mother Basen calmed himself and followed suit. As for Duke Deruth he just sigh and calmly told Hans to tell the Emperor to wait.

-guest room-


Setting down her tea the Duchess calmly held the Emperor's gaze "So you are asking the hand of our son in marriage? Did I hear that correctly?"

"That is correct Duchess Violan" Letting out a smile Alberu tried his bect to look sincere but the Duchess gaze held weight, Basen and Duke Deruth somehow became bystanders as they watch the blizzard in-front of them.

"And has Cale said anything in regards to this matter?" Picking up a red macaroon the Duchess took a bite, it would be a normal thing to do in tea parties but doing it in front of the emperor is something else.

"He has accepted the terms but told me that in order to proceed your blessings are needed." Alberu aware of Duchess Violan's act was not offended in anyway he just hoped to get through this without much struggle or even bruises.

"Hmm it seems to me that you are treating marriage as a deal." Duchess Violan's eyes glinted as he stared at Alberu who simply smiled in return.

'Do I tell the truth?' Alberu was in deep thought, he had thought that Duke Deruth would be the greatest obstacle it was a mistake in his part. Glancing at duchess Violan's eyes and seeing the glint from it he decided to omit some parts.

"I had promised to fulfill my role as a husband and give Cale what he wants." Simple yet heavy answer.

Duchess Violan knew Cale to some extent and she knows that this marriage does not contain any affection of that kind to one another nevertheless she wanted to make sure that Cale agreed to this matter without any threat or heavy conditions. "Hmmm that should be a given."

"I promise to remain true and lead with him by my side." Alberu smiled it seemed like Duchess Violan had caught on. 'I will make sure to utilize his usefulness in exchange for monetary compensation.'

"Is it a permanent decision?" Duchess Violan raised her perfectly sculpted eyebrow. She wanted to know if this marriage has an expiration date because she always dreamed of having grandchildren. Imagine a red haired child running around with a smile on their face calling her grandmother. If she looked back to this moment she would just nod in happy confusion.

"None indicated but I will respect and follow any decisions from Cale." Alberu could only hold back a squirm as he remembered how Cale planned to overthrow the Kingdom in a span of 2 seconds after hearing his proposal. Alberu took a mental note to Definitely prioritize Cale's happiness.

"Then Emperor Alberu the Henituse household gives its sincere agreement as long as Cale is happy." Violan smiled but the smile had more poison than a snake's fangs. She basically told Alberu a threat 'We give our consent for now but if Cale receives any damage then...'

Alberu sweat dropped The Henituse Household was a so-so respectable household that did not mistreat him in anyway but oh how dangerous they were if need be.

"Then the wedding will be held in a month." Alberu smiled as he released the breath he held but choked on it as Duchess Violan responded.

"I give you a week."

Duke Deruth just sat there tea spilling from his mouth as he wrapped his head around the conversation. He didn't even know where to start complaining. Basen just had a confused look on his face he was smart but... understanding the conversation between his mother and the Emperor was a bit...


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