"Why can't you live with Yoshi?" Haruto asked.

"Freshman have to live with Freshman." Yoshi replied.

"Ah." Haruto nodded, finally understanding.

"Sorry, Mashi." I said, putting my arm around my boyfriend's back causing him to put his arm around my neck. "I stole him."

"Yeah, I noticed three years ago." Mashiho pouted.

"Correction." Asahi spoke. "We've been together two years, seven months, sixteen days, and three hours."

I coo'ed at his track of time. "You are so cute."

"More like disgusting." Mashiho cringed. "Who keeps track of every second?"

Asahi shrugged. "I don't know, I don't. I don't do minutes either. Just hours and so on."

Asahi grinned, causing Mashiho to roll his eyes.

"I think it's cute." Leah shrugged.

"You hear that Ruto." Yoshi said. "Leah's telling you to step it up."

Haruto went to speak but Leah interrupted. "Please don't. Years and months is fine."

Leah patted her boyfriend's chest, and everyone laughed while Asahi and I rolled our eyes. Nobody would ever understand our relationship. Mashiho and Yoshi were both single, I don't remember the last time either of them were in a relationship. And Leah is Haruto's first girlfriend and they haven't even been together a year yet. I'm not even sure if they know what love is. Either way, none of them understand what real love is.


It was later in the day, they were holding a line of club booths for people to join so we decided to check it out. Plus, Asahi had to show up for his athletic scholarship.

"I'm going to stop by the athletic booth." Asahi said to me. "I'll meet up with you in a little?"

"Right back here." I smiled before pecking him on the lips.

He and Yoshi made their way to the athletic booth while Leah, Mashi, Haruto, and I continued to look around. Before too long, Mashiho had dragged Haruto somewhere, leaving Leah and I.

"Are you excited for the college parties?" Leah grinned.

I scoffed. "What makes you think I'll attend any?"

"Come on, Ari!" Leah exclaimed. It was a nickname she picked out for me when she wanted me to have an English name like her. That's around the time I started calling her Lee Lee. "You have to go to at least one party!"

I rolled my eyes. "Have you met my boyfriend? He wouldn't go."

"So go without him." Leah waved her hand.

I scoffed and looked at her slightly offended. "Would you go to a party without Haruto?"

She snickered. "Have you met my boyfriend? He wouldn't let me go by myself."

I cocked my head. He was always a bit protective over her. "Fair point. Anyway, I don't know if I would want to go without him."

"Well whatever he does, I think you should go no matter what." Leah said. "Have fun. Dance. Meet people. It'll be fun."

I thought for a moment. "I guess I could always bring Mashiho if Asahi turns me down. He's always one for parties."

"There you go!" Leah exclaimed. "I'll make sure he takes you too."

Leah winked and I snickered. That's when I noticed a booth that caught my interest.

"A fashion club?" I muttered as I read the sign.

"The best one on campus!" One of the girls running it exclaimed.

"Or so people say." The other said with a snicker.

"Hey, I love your outfit." The first one said. "You into fashion?"

"Yeah, actually I'm a Fashion Design major." I spoke the truth.

I was always into fashion, ever since I was little. I design my own clothes, but I've never done anything with them.

"You seem it!" The first girl exclaimed. "I'm Kasumi, the club president. This is Mariko, the vice president."

"Nice to meet you girls." I bowed. "I'm Arisu."

"Oh, a name fit for fashion!" Mariko exclaimed.

"Take a flyer." Kasumi said, handing me a flyer for their club. "Come to a meeting some time. I think you'll have fun."

I grinned from ear to ear. "Yeah, for sure! Thank you!"

The girls bowed with smiles and Leah and I continued down the aisle of club booths. Before too long, we met back up with all the boys and ended up going out to dinner before Haruto and Leah made their way back home, which was three hours away, and the rest of us turned in for the night yet I somehow couldn't sleep.

I was too excited for the next four years of my life...

~Authors Note~

Hey guys! Sorry for a boring chapter but it's only the first one! I am afraid this story might be kind of slow at first but I'll do my best to make it interesting. I hope you guys will continue to read and that you will enjoy it as much if not more than Protector. Speaking of which, if you have not read Protector (My Haruto fic) please check it out because it'll explain the characters and relationships much better ^.^ Thank you and I will see you guys soon. Biez!

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