Asking Billy

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Henry: Ok, so mein friend Ellena, Constable_John_Mills, wants to ask Billy ein qvestion.

Billy: Let's hear it.

Henry, reading: "Can I have ein hug? I'm lonely."

Billy nods and hugs Ellena so hard he pulls them into the story.

Ellena: Where am I and oh my fucking god!!!

Billy: What?

Ellena jumps into Billy's arms and hugs him again.
Billy stands there confused, but goes with it.

Sal and Al in the background are whistling and catcalling.

Billy is about to put Ellena down when they jump out and run to beat the ever loving shit out of the two men.

Albert: *screams like a girl*

Sal: *joins Arlington in the girl screams*

Richtofen walks in on this scene, followed by Edward.

Both turn and walk away.

Emma: Uh, ok...? Ellena is here...?

Ellena, from distance: Hi Henry and Emma!!!

Emma waves and goes back to the two German men because she is hella confused and needs to process.

Henry: Ok, zhis happened. Vell, unless zhe Narrator is going to do anyzhing, zhatvis it!! Have ein nice day und keep sending us dares und qvestions!!!

Henry waved and with that the scene cuts to black.


Ehem, I meant the chapter ends.

*Chapter cuts out*

Ask or Dare Ultimis/Primisजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें