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Nicole blinked. Then she blinked again before she narrowed her eyes at him. "I am waiting for you to be serious." She looked at him with an expectant gaze. This had to be a joke, she thought to herself.

"I am very serious," Marko replied as he took a sip from his glass.

Nicole's lips broke into a smile, then a giggle escaped before laughter took over. "Oh, my ribs!" She held her side as she continued laughing. "Wait-why aren't you laughing?" She wiped the laughter tears from her eyes, a giggle escaping.

"Because it wasn't a joke," Marko pinned her with a serious look. "I want you to be my girlfriend."

Nicole took in a deep breath and shook her head. "How many of those have you had? Because if you aren't drunk then you must be high on something!" Nicole turned to Clint. "Yo, TT, your boss is losing his marbles."

"I am not nearly as drunk nor am I mad," Marko replied calmly as he studied the emotions running through her eyes.

Nicole stood up quickly and moved away from him, "is this a joke? Do you have some cameras up in here to record this? Are you trying to get back at me for coming to your office and throwing the money at you? Is that it?" Nicole fired up question after question to him. "Ok, I admit I might have come across a little rude and all, but you did not seem to want to take your money back! What was I to do?"

"You ask a lot of irrelevant questions," Marko finished his drink and placed the glass on the small stool next to him. He proceeded to cross his legs and lean back on the sofa. "And it has nothing to do with the money." Marko seemed to contemplate his answer. "Well, maybe a little bit. If it wasn't for the money I wouldn't have met you."

"The questions I am asking are very relevant to me!" Nicole exclaimed. "And cuss that money!"

"You know any other woman would have jumped at the chance of being called my girlfriend." Marko drawled, his gaze taking in the woman standing in front of him.

Nicole shrugged and placed her hands on her hips, "well sorry to disappoint you, I am not any other woman. Why don't you ask the woman you had in here earlier. She seemed desperate enough. Or better yet ask one of the many that would jump at the chance to be cammed your girlfriend." She returned his earlier statement back to him.

Marko narrowed his gaze on her, all of a sudden his eyes becoming dark, "do you think that I am desperate for a woman?"

Nicole rolled her eyes, not at all scared of his dark look, "Her, not you. Listen, this has been a great chat but I am not who you are looking for. I don't want a boyfriend, certainly not the likes of you. No offense."

"Offense is taken," Marko stood up and approached her. "What do you mean by that?"

Nicole bit her lip and tilted her head to the side. "You are too domineering. You need a submissive woman and I am way too independent to kiss and worship the ground you walk on."

"You did not let me finish," Marko stated. "I want you to be my pretend girlfriend."

"Even worse." Nicole shook her head. "I can't act to save my life. I am not your type. When I see shit, I call it out. When someone talks crap, I dish the same to them. You have the money. Hire an actress! There are so many young wanna-be actresses who would jump at the opportunity to perfect their craft. Now, for the last time, I am going to ask nicely that you tell TT over there to move his ass so I can get back to my friends."

Marko sighed and nodded at Clint who moved aside.

Nicole turned on her feet and walked out, all the while muttering about crazy white rich men and their jokes. When she finally made it to their table she found her friends all there, including Juan. "You traitor!" she glared at Juan.

Pretending To Be His...حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن