Sorry! We Are Closed!

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Chatter ran loud and merrily in the small pub. It was way past 2AM on a Saturday morning. Nicole has been on her feet for 12 hours straight. Not that she was complaining, she needed the money the hours promised.

"How about another beer, sexy," a man with golden curls slurred as he leaned over the counter so he could be heard. He placed the empty bottle down and wiggled his eyebrows at Nicole.

Nicole reached for the bottle and threw it under the counter. Wiping the water from the counter, she plastered a smile and winked at the man, "How about you call it a night, Mike?" She placed her hands on the counter and leaned forward, "You owe me a drink and I want you sober when you fulfill that promise, now."

Mike hiccupped and gave a wide smile, "Yeah, I think you're right! See you tonight, sexy!" he called as he started staggering out of the pub. "Paulo! I'm outta here!" He said to his friend as he passed him. People were pushing him, but he never seemed to notice.

Seeing this, Nicole's gaze roamed around the pub, when it found who she was looking for, she gave a tight nod and a smile. She knew that Mike would get home safe.

Reaching for the string, Nicole pulled it and all of a sudden an alarm rang throughout the pub, "last call, guys! I need my beauty sleep!"

After a quick execution of orders, Nicole moved to where the other bartender was. "How's it going, rookie?" she asked, standing with her back to the masses and crossing her arms.

"It's been three months, how am I still a rookie?"

Nicole laughed, "until I decide otherwise, rookie." She could not hold back her smile as she watched him push his shoulder-length dark hair back before securing it with the black elastic band he always seemed to have.

"Stop picking on Jason, Nic," the bar's owner and manager walked toward them. "He is doing pretty well."

Nicole raised her hands up in mock surrender, "whatever you say, boss." She watched as he glanced at his watch. "Go ahead, Jake. I will lock up." She told him.

Jake looked around the pub, people were already milling out. "Are you sure?"

Nicole waved him out, "of course. If anything, the rookie will be here to make sure nothing happens to me. I had to send Bruno after Mike. He was too drunk to drive tonight."

Jason muttered under his breath. "You are lucky you are so cute, Nic."

"Aaaw, don't tell me you have a crush on me!" Nicole teased.

Jason blushed and moved away from her. Truth be told he did have a crush on her, but who wouldn't? She was a fun, hardworking, sexy, down-to-earth bundle all fitted in a 5'1 feet frame with curves on top. Heck, half of the men in the pub only came in because of her and if he was honest, maybe half of the women too. But he knew he stood no chance with her. She was way out of his league, even if they were both working in the same bar.

"You really should stop teasing the boy," Jake shook his head as he watched Jason disappear into the back with a crate full of dirty glasses. Jake shook his head as he smiled at the face Nicole made, showing the dimple on his dark chocolate skin.

Nicole made a face, "where's the fun in that? Go! I know how anxious you are to get home to your pregnant wife."

Jake shook his head and walked around the counter. "See you in a few hours, kiddo!"

Nicole waved to him and went back to her station.

In thirty minutes, Jason came back with clean glasses and started stocking them.

"Why don't you head out, Jas?" Nicole offered. "I will finish up here and lock up."

Jason looked around. There were only a handful of people left, regulars for that matter. "Are you sure?"

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