SIDE CHAPTER: The Megalomaniac.

Começar do início

Blake:"Watch it. I'm going after Weiss."

Weiss:"Why does it always has to be Ruby?! I'm fightning with a friend? Ruby! I fight against a human? God damned Ruby!"

Ruby:"I love you too!"

Weiss:"Curse you, dolt!"

The countdown ended, time to fight.

I changed into my sniper rifle and opened fire on "Yang." She jumped into the air, using her gauntlet to attack me from range.

The missiles exploded around me, forcing me to escape from there using my semblance.

"Yang" used the smoke from the explosions as cover. She sneaked up on me, waiting for an opening. Without knowing, I gave my back to the hologram who took the chance to charge at me.

Thanks to master's powers I was fast enough to react, dodging to the side before she could harm me. I changed my sniper into a scythe and made a spin attack, forcing the hologram to fall back.

I took the chance to glance at the rest of my teammates. Blake was raining "Weiss" with bullets, forcing her to use her semblance to defend herself. Yang was also throwing hundreds of punches towards "Blake" who, even if she was dodging them all she couldn't counterattack. Lastly, our Weiss was trapping and hurting my own hologram with her ice.

Ruby:"Okay, then I suppose I have to get serious!"

Angry at the hologram, I used master powers to put darkness all around me, enhancing my strength tenfold. The girl with red eyes stood up and looked at me, interested by my powers.

The dark got infused into my scythe, empowering my next shots. I changed into the sniper rifle mode, aimed at "Yang" and fired. Yet again, she dodged it, but when she got close to me to try and retaliate. What she didn't expect was me changing into my scythe, making one big cut towards her.

The hologram died, but my scythe sended a purple wave of energy towards the next hologram, "Blake", who killed her in one shot, stealing Yang's kill.

Yang:"Ruuby! That was mine!"

Ruby:"Not anymore, sis!"

Yang grunted, charging at my own hologram while I supported Blake by getting into my sniper rifle. I aimed at "Weiss" and opened fire, forcing her to look at me. Blake was fast enough to get behind her and backstab her, killing the hologram.

My faker didn't last long against the four of us, getting demolished rather quickly compared to the others. When the fight was over, the four of us were panting, dead tired. The girl with red eyes came down to the arena, looking at me.

Chara:"My oh my, so master did gift you with powers, huh?"

Ruby:"Hehe, I'm special!"

Chara:"Special? You are special indeed, but your combat skills aren't special at all. I don't know what master saw in you... but if he wants me to train you... it is what it is, I guess."

Ruby:"Hey! You're just jealous that master likes me more than you!"

For a split second, I saw rage in her eyes. This is one of those loyalists that do not like being told about how master doesn't like them. Crap.

Chara:"Now that's a great joke. I once meet a funny guy like you, y'know?"

Ruby:"Wait, really? H-Hey, I'm not a gu-"

Chara:"He's now dead, along with his brother and friends, so if you want your head to still be attatched to your neck... keep your lips sealed, gotcha?"

I quickly noddded, a little scared. Yang, Blake and Weiss quickly got in front of me, defending me.

Yang:"I don't like when people messes with my sister. When they do... they usually end up dead. Want to be the next one."

Bringer of corruption. (Male evil reader x RWBY)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora