History's Truth

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As seas churn, a duel shall mark

the age of love and history will

be rewritten.

"I am sorry," the sea-green eyed man whispered, ichor trailing down the side of his lips onto his chest and disappearing through the thin armour. A gaping hole stood in the middle of his chest, where the heart would be.

A figure knelt next to him, brushing his raven black hair to the side so she could meet his slowly fading gaze. Silver eyes glowed from the darkness of her helmet as she held onto the dying god, her breath slowly beginning to emit a sound as she tried to keep her tears to the bay.

"No, I am," she finally gasped out, as she pulled his body to her, laying his head on her chest and bawled loudly. The skies, that were once light blue and bright, now resembled darkness while the moon, that was once as white as a dove, stained red as if it knew the blood that had been spilled.

Her gaze froze at the red moon as she struggled to remember where it all went wrong. Maybe it was when they first met...

Riding her chariot, the goddess of moon watched the world below her. It felt nostalgic as she wondered when she had last visited the world of the mortals. Zeus, the king of Olympians and her father, had all but neglected her when she had joined him and abandoned her mother Leto and even had the nerve to make her the goddess of moon to restrict her from visiting the mortals.

"Watch out!" a masculine voice echoed, effectively snapping her out of her reverie as she grabbed the reins and pulled with force. Gathering her bearings, she noticed how she had strayed from her usual path and had almost collapsed into the upcoming tide.

She muttered, "Grammercy-"

"My apologies m'lady," the same voice called out, laced with a sense of admiration, making her curious as she turned towards him and noticed the man standing before her.

Raven locks that seemed to glide with the slight breeze, tanned skin that reminded her of Apollo on a warm sunny day and sea green eyes that resembled those of an emerald. She held back a gasp as her eyes wandered lower, looking at his bare chest, the defined abs and a trident pendant hanging loosely across his neck. The toga that he wore flowed sideways, again due to the breeze and, she was with astonishment, as the waves seemed to move consistently beneath his feet, even if he stood at the same spot.

"Art thou riding a wave-?" she asked, mesmerized by the wave, her chariot pausing mid-air. It would be a long night for a few people.

The man responded with a glint, "yes m'lady."


He stared at her in confusion before he asked, "doth thou haply not recognize me?"

Her response was silence to which he sighed. The wave underneath him raised till it reached the length of his knees and he calmly sat on it, the water continuing to build up to form a throne of water. A golden crown appeared atop his forehead, a rectangular sapphire stood proudly at the centre while the moonlight danced around it causing rays of light to reflect off.

He raised his arm and waited. For a second, nothing seemed to happen and Artemis was contemplating leaving the strange god to his own means till a trident shot out of the water and rushed towards the young man. She had to dodge the incoming trident and was surprised when the sea-green eyed god easily caught it.

The scene was captivating: a handsome man sitting on top of a constantly shifting water throne, droplets of water sliding down his defined muscles, while a golden trident with moss and fern covering slight parts of the handle and prongs.

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