Turnabout Complication - 15

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Scarlett walked up to the witness stand and glanced around. She didn't look like she wanted to testify, but it seemed she had no choice.

"Witness!" Edgeworth called out. "State your name and occupation for the court."
"...Scarlett Curls...I'm a...waitress at the London Eye Restaurant..." She rubbed her arm and looked downwards.
"Erm..." The Judge looked at the new witness on the stand. "Miss...are you...alright to testify...?"
"This witness is simply shocked by what she saw and the victim's death." Edgeworth stated. "She has decided herself that she will testify for the court."

Phoenix looked over at Polly, who was glaring at Scarlett intensely.
(...Should I risk it and ask?)
Phoenix cleared his throat. "...Polly?"
"What?" She answered sternly.
"Are you-" He got cut off.
"I'm fine. Absolutely fine. Never felt better." She replied through gritted teeth.
(...I don't need a widget to see that she's in pain.)

"Witness." Egdeworth tapped his arm. "Please testify to the court about what you saw on that fateful day."

- That day, I was checking up on all of the rooms, when I came across that room...
- ...I saw the defendant, knife in hand...plunging the knife into Mel's chest...
- Mel collapsed, and he turned to a young girl on the floor...but that's when I shouted!
- 'What do you think you're doing?!' I called out...the defendant saw me and froze!
- He then ran past me...out of the room...I gave chase, but...I never caught up with him...

"Wait a sec..." Polly went pale. "This testimony...."
"O-Overturns everything-!" Phoenix stuttered.
(With this...Apollo will be found guilty...of murder!)
"This testimony is enough to hand down a guilty verdict!" The Judge gasped.
"W-Wait-!" Phoenix shouted. "The d-defence wishes to cross examine the witness-!"
(I can see Apollo already sweating...but is this really true?!)
"Wright. Wright. Wright..." Edgeworth taunted. "You don't know when to give up, don't you?"
"Objection!" Polly yelled out. "The defence has a right to testify the witness!"
(T-That's my line!)
"But what will be the point?" Edgeworth shook his head. "This proves that, without a doubt, the defendant, Apollo Justice, is indeed guilty!"

The crowd fell into an uproar.

"Order! Order!" The Judge slammed his gavel repeatedly, shouting at the top of his voice. "If I will not have order this court will be-"


A voice echoed throughout the courtroom, and surprisingly, everyone stopped talking.

A sharp noise was heard, and a piece of Phoenix's hair got cut off.

"HAIR-" He screeched.
(...Why do I have the sense of impending doom?)

Prosecutor Blackquill was standing next to the witness stand.

"P-Prosecutor Blackquill-?!" Polly gasped. "I thought you were-"
"Helping with search efforts?" Edgeworth cut Polly off and slammed the desk. "Why are you interrupting my trial?!"
(Why is he even here?! And when can I cross examine all ready?!)
"Your 'trial'?" He laughed. "Everyone was having a chat. A very loud chat. So I came here to shut everyone up."
The Judge gulped. "P-Prosecutor B-B-Blackquill-! I will not have you-"
"I wasn't interrupting anything...I was simply...quieting everyone down..." Blackquill grinned. He glanced over at Polly.
"Odd...I thought you were the Prosecutor today..."
"U-Um w-well-" she stammered.
"There was a change of schedule. That's all." Edgeworth tapped his arm. "Now really, what is your reason for coming here?"
"My reason? Well..." He tapped his forehead. "Regarding Cykes-Dono..."
(A-Athena-! Have they found her?)
"...Go on..." Edgeworth listened closely.
"We have...a kidnap letter..." He clenched his fist.
"WHAT-?!" Phoenix yelled out.
"It's...happening again..." Polly whispered.

The courtroom buzzed. That's talking buzz, not the bee buzz.

"W-Who was it written by?! Do you know?!" Edgeworth looked distressed.
"The letter itself was not handwritten, but we held a fingerprint analysis...and it turns out, the fingerprints were...

The defendant, Justice-Dono."

"Wh-" Polly stepped backwards.

Phoenix yelled and blacked out.
End Of Part 15
{ Someone requested to have Prosecutor Blackquill make an appearance, so here he is!
Also I was thinking that I could change my writing style (again) and write in first person...what do you guys think? }

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