Chapter 2: Darkess falls

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(Warning: this chapter have sensible scenes. Discretion is advised.)

After being trapped by the USB of Smg3, the group has been in a bizarre reality, where they met with Smg1 and Smg2. With the help of these ones, they could get out of the mind torture of Zero and come back to the castle by the USB of 3.

-I think... that I overestimated you. You still can't controll your Guardian Powers.- Said Smg1 a little injured for the falling.

-We'll make sure that they master it another time.- Added Smg2 with the hand on the head trying to standing up. -For now, we should concentrate in the actual situation.-

However, in the top of the castle, a non-wished guest was waiting fot them: the possessed Melony was standing on the roof with the other 3 USB's floating and an unconscious Mario on the middle.

-I have to say it. I'm impressed that you would be able to escape from my simulation.- Said the evil being turning her gaze to the group below her. -However, You still have a lot to learn.-

-The four guardians, all together at last

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-The four guardians, all together at last.- Said while her body manifest little tics. -So that they are present of the new era that is coming.-

-Zero...- Said Smg4 looking a little bit scared.

-Let Melony go! She has nothing to do with this!- Said Smg1 with anger on his eyes.

-Finally. After a long time... I got an avatar again.- Said the girl using her powers to move the USB's to Mario. -A new begining is near.-

The four USB's launch beams that reach Mario's body, locking him into an unpenetrable crystal and starting to drain his energy from his body at the horroryzed eyes of the guardians.

-This doesn't looks good.- Said Smg3 with fear on his eyes.

-If this goes on, Mario is gonna die! And with him all this universe!- Said Smg2 shocked for the situation.

-Mario, No!- Yelled Smg4 worried for his friend rising his arm to him.

-With him, I will create a new universe, and everything will be as used to be a long time ago.- Said the evil girl with a big smile concentrating energy on her arms.

In that moment, Zero is surprised for a missile bombardment, the which ones impact to it and set Mario free, whose body falls in the castle doorway being catched by Smg4. At rising up the looking, the four guardians figure out that the helicopter of Chris and Swag have been reached to the scene, being aborded by the rest of the gang.

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