! HER !

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(702)-8.. : hangman, jake

kas: oh okay, do you need anything?

hang: figured, and no i dont need anything

hang: wanna head to the bar later around 5-5:30ish?

kas: mhm sure! the rest are coming yeah?

hang: i'm not sure yet, i'll find out

kas: ok! see you there

hang: heyheyhey i'm not done

kas: o sorry what

hang: i'm gonna pick you up too, be ready by 5:15

kas: oh? okay then, c u

hang: mhm 


after kasper finished texting hangman, she got out of the car and headed inside. she looked down at her phone to see the time, then went straight to her room, "well, that was very- very random." she opened her closet to see what to wear, "but now i have plans." kasper picked out a blue button up blouse, and white dress pants. it sounds fancy, but it was a casual outfit to her. she either under dressed, or over dressed, thats just how she worked. she took the clothing into her bathroom and started undressing, checking herself out as she did. "god, i'm honestly so hot." once she had changed into her outfit, she un-buttoned the top two buttons and put on a silver necklace with a small, blue, crescent moon pendant. 

kasper turned over her phone and checked the time. "an hour till? thats plenty of time." she mumbled to herself, finishing up her makeup. she never put on piles of makeup, but she would wear clear mascara, highlighter, and occasionally eyeshadow if it was a really fancy event. "hmmm i wonder if rooster is coming tonight." she pushed her hair behind her shoulders and walked into her bedroom. she sat on the bed and pulled out her phone.

bradshaww :)

kas: heyy! are you coming to the bar tonight?

brad: nobody said anything about going? 

kas: i thought jake invited everyone? 

brad: well, guess not. but yeah i'll come

kas: great!! see you there :)

brad: :)


kasper waited for time to go by, by scrolling through her phone when someone finally knocked on the door. she shot up out of her bed, brushing her hair with her fingers as she walked to answer the door. she opened the door and almost immediately checked out hangman. he looked good, very good. he noticed kasper checking him out and smirked. "woww avila, already checking me out? haven't even been here for 2 minutes." kasper playfully rolled her eyes, "ughghhg lets just go." "okok, anything you say, dear." the two walked over to his car, he opened the door for her then got in the driver seat.

"well, if i must say, you look good yourself." kasper looked over at him and smiled, "no way! hangman compliments people?? thats crazy!" she laughed and he lightly punched her arm, "i'm just kidding jeezzz, now lets go!" "alright i'm going i'm going!" 

they had arrived to the bar and walked inside, payback, bob, and phoenix were already there. "hey yall!" kasper spoke across the bar, leaving hangman's side for phoenix. "hey kas, you look good!" "you too, phoenix!! is rooster here yet?" phoenix looked behind kasper and saw rooster walking in, "he wasn't, but now he is." phoenix smirked. kasper turned around and watched rooster walking towards them, waving at her. hangman joined rooster's side and looked slightly annoyed, kasper didn't question it though. phoenix, kasper, rooster, and hangman all went over to payback and bob who were at the pool table. "heyy! look who showed up!" payback said handing phoenix and rooster one of the sticks for pool. (help i have no idea what u call them)

"pick your teammates." payback said and kasper went straight to rooster, phoenix had to pick hangman but she wasn't mad about it. "rooster you have the best pool player ever, how do you feel??" she  emphasized the 'ever' and winked. "you think you're good? wait till i start playing." he teased her, the two of them smirking. "we'll see about that, bradshaw." "are you challenging me?" rooster side eyed her while taking a shot, getting the ball right into the hole. "alright, fine, two can play that game, buddy." 

after about 5 minutes, more than half the balls were out, neither of them wanting to miss a shot. "this game turned into kasper vs rooster." payback said with a breathy laugh to follow. "oh honestly, i'm quite entertained." phoenix said, they rest agreed. "hey, i'm gonna grab us a few beers, i'll be back." hangman nodded at them and headed over to the bar. while he waited for penny, the bartender, to get the beers, he was watching kasper, noticing how nicely her features went together, how nice she looked when she laughed. he wanted to be in roosters position, he wanted to be as close as they were. "i'll make her mine." he told himself. 

hangman brought his attention off of kasper when penny came back with the beers. "yeah, thanks." he brought them back over to them and set them on a table located next to the game of pool. "hangman! come watch, they're on the 8ball now." he walked over, standing next to kasper. it was kasper's shot and she was determine to win. "i will NOT let you win bradshaw." "let's hope you don't fuck up then, hm?" kasper side eyed him. "yeah, lets hope." she adjusted her position on the ball and made sure it lined up well. "lets go kas, you got this." hangman mumbled next to her, she hummed back in response. she was cute when she was focused, he wanted to get to know her more.

"bradshaw. if i win you owe me 20. yes? ok great!" "what no, didn't agree." kasper took the shot and the ball went straight in. "WOOOOO!" she cheered, so did phoenix and hangman. "hell yeah, i told you so! i'm the better player." "finefine, you win." rooster jokingly hit her shoulder then put down the pool stick. "attagirl! i knew you'd win." hangman spoke with enthusiasm, putting his hand on her upper back. kasper turned over to him and smiled, "hey, you got beers right? where are they?" "oh, over there, i'll go grab one." she gave him a nod and hangman quickly came back with one. she took it and took a few sips. "don't drink, cus you're gonna have to drive me home." she smiled and walked towards bob and payback, they were laughing and having fun together. jake couldn't help but admire her. jake had always watched her, since day 1 at the naval academy, 

he just never said anything.  

the next chapter might have some scenes in it depending on if i feel like writing that type of stuff or not, anyways I ACTUALLY ENJOYED WRITING THIS

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2022 ⏰

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