Peanut and Curly Hair

182 5 4

Hawkins, Indiana 1975
Hawkins National Laboratory, Age 6
2 through 20 kids. Tests, Experiments, torture.


?) you know you're not supposed to be out here.

red lights. white lights. doors slamming.
Rainbow room. Games, challenges.

?) How'd you sleep?

no answer

?) that's okay you'll learn, you should know.. papa is looking for you..

A myth. A child no longer a human being. Someone or..something powerful. Stronger than the others. The Original.

Screaming, crying.

dr brenner) YOU'RE A MONSTER

blood everywhere.
red skies, floating objects, and clocks..

??) Hello?!
??) Mike!!

not breathing, vision blurry..

?) will?! What have you done with my boy!?


eddie) Chrissy wake up. Hey? Hello?

Snap snap snap

eddie) I don't Like this chrissy wake up!!
wake up. Wake up ..



I shot up, my eyes open wide. Sweating, panting, on the verge of tears. a strange nightmare. Different places, and not my memories. I don't remember ever calling out for Mike let alone a dude named Will.
I throw my hair up in a bun and stand up from the couch. I went to the kitchen and tried to look for some water or something to eat but was out of luck.
Maybe I should wake curly hair up? I mean what am i gonna do for the next couple hours. No. what am i saying I can barely stand his annoying face.
The house is creeping me out though. Feeling like someone is looking through isn't the best thing to be looking at right now.  Fuck it.

I went to look at the other room but he wasn't there.
I open the front door and go to the shed. The night sky was beautiful. The sun wouldn't come out in the next couple of hours. If I wasn't paranoid, I would lay and watch the stars for hours.

I slightly knock on the door. No answer. I opened the door slowly so I could avoid any sound but the shed was old and musty, no matter what, the door creaked loud.

I look around and I see a boat, the same boat I poked with a paddle and he jumped out of. I go over and take a paddle then start poking the tarp

y/n) eddie??

No answer. I try to reach over and take the tarp off seeing an empty boat. Suddenly I hear the door open. i turn the paddle around and get ready to swing when all of a sudden the paddle is stopped by a hand

eddie) Jesus Christ!!
y/n) you scared the living hell out of me!
eddie) alright calm down peanut.

I let go of the paddle that we were both holding on to and walked to the wall sitting down to lean on it. eddie puts the paddle down and sits next to me

y/n) peanut? Are you still on with that?
eddie) yeah, it just fits you.
y/n) are you gonna call mike and dustin that too? because you threw it at them first.

i smile and he chuckles

eddie) yeah, no.

curly hair reaches for something in his pocket and pulls out a cigarette.

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