Chapter 6

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After about 20 minutes or so, the door bell to Taehyung's house rings and a smile stretches on his lips with the thought of seeing the younger. He opens the door and is immediately met with a glaring Jungkook. He knows its playful but cant help when his own smile turns shy. He just steps aside quietly and let the younger in.

As soon as the door is closed and he turns and a finger is poked into his chest "You mister are the reason that small one is becoming so notorious day by day. You are spoiling her rotten" Jungkook claims folding his arms over his chest. Taehyung laughs and just hugs the younger and immediately feels the hug being returned.

"Sorry Kookie I cant help it. She is too cute to say no to" Taehyung laughs as he breaks the hug. They make their towards the couch in the living room and Jungkook settles himself down.

"Yeah yeah! I know what you are saying. Sometimes I feel pathetic to deny her absurd requests too. You are still very kind and hence I cant hold you responsible for falling for her tricks." Jungkook smiles.

"Go ahead and change I shall settle our game and get the food ready in the plate" Taehyung says as he picks up the pizza box and walks towards the kitchen.

Jungkook walks to Taehyungs bedroom and walks into the bathroom to freshen up. Taehyung settles the food and goes to his bedroom to fetch the video game. He picks everything up and starts making his way out. He is just near the door when the door to his bathroom opens and out comes Jungkook in all his naked glory with just a towel wrapped around his waist. Taehyung turns around and he regrets it immediately. He cant help but notice the youngers muscled toned back, his arms outstretched drying his hair with another towel which is held lose around his neck. Water drippling from his back and disappearing in the hem of the towel. Taehyung just stares like a deer caught in the light. What a mouth watering sight it is!

His imagination takes him to lala land where he wants to touch every nook and corner of the youngers body, feel his breath near him, feel the youngers hands roaming all over his own body.

He is so lost in his fantasy world that he fails to notice the younger has turned around. He is brought back to earth with hands being flashed in front of his eyes and he suddenly registers the youngers voice calling out his name. "Tae, where are you lost? I called you 3 times"

"Oh sorry, nothing I was just thinking something. What happened?" Taehyung asks immediately averting his eyes and steadying himself, mentally.

" I was asking is everything ready?" Jungkook reiterates his question

"Yeah! I was just setting up the game. You change and until then I shall set the game up" Taehyung says and immediately makes his way in the living room.

Jungkook stands there thinking if everything is alright with the elder, but ignores it telling himself not to read too much into the situation. He changes into a black shorts and black lose t-shirt and makes his way out into the living room.

The game is set and they both settle down taking their remote controls.

"I shall beat your ass today." Tae states challenging the other

"Well you say that every time and get your own ass beaten up by the end of the game" Jungkook laughs
"Today I ain't sparing you, sweetheart. You are playing an already lost game" Jungkook blurts out not realizing the sweet name that has slipped out of his tongue. This doesn't go unnoticed by Tae and he has a cute blush covering his cheeks. He doesn't take the conversation further to maintain his own sanity.

They start the game and as expected Jungkook beats Taehyung 2 rounds in a row. After the 2nd loss, Tae starts sulking and just gives up. Jungkook starts laughing his ass off at the elder and his sulky face.

"Hey c'mon hyung, I already warned you. You can never beat me in video game. You are just adamant to agree to it" Jungkook says between his laugh.

"Yah!! Don't you think you are being too cocky? Stop being a jerk" Tae said throwing a pillow at Jungkook.

Jungkook was caught off guard with the sudden collision on his face. His shocked face sent the elder into fits of laughter. Tae was so busy laughing his ass off, he didn't notice the same pillow being thrown right back at him colliding with his head.

And this is how they both ended in a pillow fight, shoving the video game aside.

One sudden harsh pillow punch thrown at Jungkook ends up with the pillow flying out of his grasp and multiple pillow punches are thrown at him.

In absolute self defense, Jungkook held both of Taehyungs wrist in his arms, tugging him close and pinning him on the floor, hovering over him to stop the pillow punches thrown at him. He snatched the pillow from Taehyungs hand and threw it aside to save his handsome face from any further damage.

In midst of their absolute innocent playful fight they were sharing a hearty laugh, when suddenly their compromising position dawned on Taehyung and his face turned absolute crimson and expression changed immediately.

Jungkook didn't notice a thing and continued with his laughter. He straightened himself, still sitting on Taehyung torso. In their fit of laughter and pillow fight, the snacks were all over the place.

One such piece of popcorn made itself comfortable on Taehyungs eyelash and Jungkook noticed it, bending down to take it off his face.

The moment Jungkook bent down and placed his hands on Taehyungs face to clear the remanent, Taehyung inhaled a sharp breath and his eyes shut against his will. Jungkook couldn't help but stare at his best friend. His long lashes, his crimson cheeks, his bread cheeks, sharp jawline and honey blond hair, made him look ethereal.

This was the first time that Jungkook actually took a good look at his best friend. He looked angelic. How did he not notice this before?

He slowly moved his fingers to remove the popcorn stuck on Taehyungs lashes but for some unknown reason he ended up cupping his jaw.

Taehyung's eyes fluttered open and he saw that their faces were close to each other, very close for "BEST FRIENDS" to be comfortable. But who is he to complain? He couldn't take his eyes off of Jungkook's porcelain clear skin, his sharp jawline, the small scar on his left cheek, his lip piercing which makes his lips look so tempting, his doe eyes staring right back at Taehyung and his pink plush lips. Jungkook's looked breath taking. His calloused hands caressing Taehyungs cheeks, his face moving closer to Taehyung.

Jungkook's eyes switched to Taehyungs lips and Taehyung followed his movement. They both kept switching between their eyes and lips.

Before anyone of them could comprehend, the lips met. It was just a feathery touch of lips, a brush again each other. They both felt an electricity run through their entire body.

Jungkook pulled back a little and stared at Taehyung in the eye, as if to confirm if there is any sort of discomfort or resistance. He found none.

However what he saw, left him a little breathless. He saw the swirl of emotions running through Taehyungs eyes, the affection and attraction evident to him now. And emotion he couldn't decipher, as he was too far away to acknowledge love behind those beautiful brown eyes. Taehyung himself could see the confusion, fear and want in Jungkook's eyes. He didn't know what to make out of this.

Before he could voice out his thoughts their lips were again connected. An absolute slow kiss. A kiss that burn their soul. A kiss that ignited something unknown in their body. They are not new to desire and want, but they are definitely new to these emotions towards each other. While Jungkook couldn't help but kiss deeper, Taehyungs couldn't control the happiness that bloomed in his heart and the warmth that spread through his body. He was kissing Jungkook. JUNGKOOK!! The moment he waited for almost 15 years of his life. Through out his college life and there after everyday, imagining himself in the youngers grasp.

The kiss continued to turn heated and Jungkook licked Taehyungs lower lips to open up for him, which the elder did so in a heartbeat. Jungkook dived in his mouth, Their tongue clashing in a dance of passion. Their breath getting heavy, their lips molding in perfect sync, as if they were made for each other. The passion and fire they felt in the kiss was something none of them have felt with anyone before. They pulled back due to lack of air, but this time Taehyung didn't hold back and pulled Jungkook down again by hooking his hands around Jungkook's neck.

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