You furrow your brow.. why on earth would Nick do that. It made no sense, he knew SHIELD was compromised, then why give them anymore Intel.

"No.. He did not" you admit, and for the first time you're being honest.

"And why was Captain Rogers in your apartment that night?"

"He and I had just returned from a mission, Avengers related" you say.

"I want to show you something" Piece says, as he turns on the screen showing an interrogation tape of a man.

"Who hired you, Batroc?"

"What is that?" You asks.

"They picked him up last night, in a not so safe house in Algiers." Pierce explains.

"Is he a suspect?" You ask, remembering back to what Steve told you about the shooter. Tall, long hair... Metal arm..

"It's more complicated than that. He was hired anonymously, to attack the Lemurian star. The latest project Nick was working on." Pierce explains.

You have no clue to as of why he's telling you about this. What could this possibly have to do with Nick.

"He was hired by e-mail and the money was run through 17 different hidden accounts.. on of them was a company registered to a Jacob Veech" he adds, handling you the transaction documents.

"Am I supposed to know who that is?" You ask, looking through the files.

"Not likely, Veech died six years ago. His last known address was 1435 Elmhurst drive.. when I first met Nick his mother lived in 1434"

You look up from the files. "Are you saying Nick hired the pirates to hijack his own project?" You ask. That would be insane why would he ever do that. "Why?"

"The prevailing theory, is that the hijack is a cover for the theft, and sale of classified information"

"Nick wouldn't do that" you scowl.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure. I knew Nick and he wouldn't do that.. so unless you have proof that the money did in fact come from Nicholas Fury, I think it's nothing but a theory" you hiss.

How could he sit there in front of you, taking valuable time out of your life to question a man who just got murdered trying to save what was left of SHIELD.

"All I know is the sale went south, and now Nick is dead" he smiles darkly.

"All I know is that if you truly knew Nick Fury, you'd know that couldn't possibly be true" you smile softly, trying to hide the fact that all you want to do is punch him right in the face.

"You're a tough one aren't you.. how old were you again?"

"I don't see how my age has any relevance, which frankly means that's none of your business. Unless you have anymore questions about Nick. I'd say we're done here" you hiss angrily.

"You were the last person to see Nick alive, and I don't think that's a coincidence" Pierce hisses back.
"And I have a feeling you don't either"

You shake your head.. was he really implying that firstly Nick was a criminal master mind, infiltrating SHIELD. And secondly that you somehow were his accomplice.

"I'm gonna ask you this one more time, Miss Jones. Why was he there?" He asks coldly, his eyes cutting right through you.

"Because he was my friend.. you know what the last thing he said to me was?" You smirk.


"Trust no one" you say coldly.

"I wonder if that included him" he shrugs.

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