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"and you missed our turn" Aizawa said in his monotone voice while looking on his phones gps.

"what? No I didn't" Hizashi said "... wait I did, didn't I?" he said defeated and turned the car around. "why are you nervous we're just gonna go and get some info in the adoption centre we don't have to decide right away" Aizawa looked out of the window of the car it was a sunny day with some clouds in the sky.

"I know, I know but we've been giving this a lot of thought and we're ready for it now. And we probably will get to meet some kids, right?" said Hizashi a little more relaxed now. "yeah" Aizawa said with a little smile on his face.

After 10 minutes -which felt like an eternity- they finally arrived at the adoption centre. It was nothing fancy a two story building that was made out of greyish bricks and the grass was starting to overgrow a little bit, but the tile pad was visibly to walk over. Aizawa held a piece of paper tight in his hand with the necessary information on their appointment. Hizashi saw that his husband was very calm unlike himself, his hands were starting to sweat he hoped he didn't have to shake someone's hand.

The door opened and a young woman opened the door with a bright smile "hi my name is Zhou, how can I help you?" the woman now known as Zhou said

"we made an appointment a few weeks ago. My name is Shota Aizawa and this is my husband..." "Yamada, Hizashi Yamada" the blonde interrupted. "oh yes, come inside please" she said and let them inside "I see you brought the papers" Zhou said looking at Aizawa "oh yea. Here, we were told to fill them in already so adoption could go smoothly."

Zhou took the papers and they walked into a medium sized office it fitted a desk in the middle and a comfy teal coloured couch with sand toned cushions all and all it looked kinda homy. "you can take a seat" she pointed at the 2 chairs that were standing in front of the desk.

"At the moment we have a few children here, we can go say hello later if you two want to" she said looking at her computer and then looking back at them with a smile "uh yea!" Yamada said over exited Aizawa glared at him for shouting in his ear "sorry" he laughed and rubbed his neck in shame. Zhou smiled at the couple they are going to make great parents.

They overviewed the papers and she asked them some questions about their lives like what they did for job and they also had a USB- stick with some photos of their house so she could see if it was safe and good for a child to live there "you have a very beautiful house" she smiled at the two in front of her "thanks, it took a lot of time to renovate it but it was worth our while" Yamada smiled it was hard not to shout his excitement out. Zhou typed out the last bits of information and smiled "well I have some good news. You both come in recommendation for our adoption policy" she said with a smile, happy for the couple.

Aizawa and Yamada smiled at each other and de blonde put his hand over his husbands.

"we can go say hello to some of the children now and maybe you see someone that could be a good match for you two." Zhou explained to them. They walked out of the office "They have creative learning right now so they're all in the common room" she said while she got a phone call "ow, hmm... I got to take this call for a sec, you can go ahead and talk to some of the children"

They both stood there looking at each other and then around the room Yamada walked forward and tried to talk to some of the children a little girl started to show her drawing to him and explained what it was. Aizawa looked around the room and saw a little boy sitting alone on the floor and looked like he was playing with some coloured blocks and walked over to him and crouched down the boy looked up at him and back at the blocks like they were more interesting.

"hey kid" Aizawa said with a soft voice. The kid had fluffy green hair and big green eyes he looked to be around the age of 4 "hello mister" he said in a high pitched voice "what's your name" Aizawa asked him. "Izuku Midoriya. Sir" he said now keeping his focus on de man with black hair in front of him "why are you sitting here alone, instead of with the other children?" Aizawa asked. "well mister the other children don't like me very much" he said like it was the most normal thing in the world, Aizawa looked concerned about the kid and then Hizashi joined them "well who is this little fella Zawa?" he asked them "this is Izuku Midoriya, Zashi" he said pointing at the boy.

"Can I ask you something mister" Midoriya asked Yamada was beaming with joy with how cute Midoriya is. "sure" Aizawa said. "Why did you come to me out of all the other kids? when the big people come here they never want to talk to me always the other kids." He asked and the couple looked shocked at each other "well you seemed nice" Aizawa said "and besides they don't look as cool as you" he whispered after. That made the little boy giggle.

They both spent another 20 minutes talking to Midoriya and had both fallen in love with the green haired ray of sunshine he just had to come out of his shell which he eventually did.

"I'm so sorry that call took a while longer than I expected" Zhou said while putting her phone back in her pocket "ah I see you've met Midoriya" she turned to the green haired boy "can I speak with these two gentlemen sweety" Midoriya nodded and went over to the couch where some of the other children were watching tv. "and have you talked to some of the children?" she asked "yes! They're all so unique in their own way and nice as well" Yamada said "well I just talked to Midoriya he looked the nicest of them all" Aizawa said with no shame at all Yamada quickly put his hands in front of his husband "he doesn't mean it that way!!" he tried to explain "yes I did" Aizawa said with a straight face.

Zhou smiled "I understand, you can't like all the children and Midoriya stood out to you, completely understandable" she smiled, Yamada wiped the sweat of his brow and smiled. They walked back to the office and sat down again, they both looked at each other and then back at Zhou "I think we've made our decision" Yamada said with a big smile "so your going with Midoriya" Zhou said with a small but happy smile, finally the boy would have a loving family. They both nodded "can I first ask a question?" Aizawa asked "sure! Go ahead"

"How did he end up here?" Aizawa asked showing a little bit of sadness in his voice "well, all I know is that his apartment building burned down, there lived a guy in the building that had a meth lab and it exploded. It was in the news papers a few months ago" she explained, sympathy written over her face. "oh yea I remember that" Yamada cut in, Zhou continued "the firefighters pulled him out of the fire and he was in the hospital for a few days due smoke inhalation and he had some 2nd degree burns on his upper arm so he has to wear a compression sleeve. But we found out that he saw his parents die gruesomely in that fire and he still has bad nightmares and was diagnosed with PTSD... but his past doesn't make him a bad child" she explained to them. They were silent for a minute but Aizawa fisted his hands and looked up with a determined face "we will adopt him and take great care of him" he said and Yamada nodded extremely "he will get the two most amazing, lovingly parents in the whole world" Yamada said with glassy eyes.

They filled in the necessary papers and signed them. When they opened the door of the office something immediately clung to his leg he looked down only to see green fluffy hair and smiled Midoriya was listening to the conversation the whole time. He looked up to Aizawa with tears streaming down his face "y-you really want t-to adopt me?" Yamada picked the kid up in his arms and wiped away his tears "of course! Little listener and your gonna have the best dads in the entire world!" Midoriya giggled and hugged his soon to be dad.


A few weeks later:

Aizawa stopped the car in front of the adoption centre they both looked at each other. They could finally take Midoriya home with them, the couple walked over to the door and rang the bell Zhou opened the door with an exited Midoriya next to her. He was wearing some black pants with a green striped shirt and a yellow cap and a yellow backpack, Izuku smiled at them and ran up to them and hugged both of their legs.

They talked to Zhou for a bit exchanging contacts because she would stop by to check on Midoriya to see if he was adapting to his new home. Yamada picked Izuku up while Aizawa carried his backpack to the car and put it in the trunk meanwhile Yamada put Izuku in the child seat that they bought the prior day. Everyone was now in the car and before they left the couple looked back at Izuku "you ready kid?" Aizawa asked "yes sir" he smiled "you can call me Zashi" Yamada said "call me Zawa, kid" he said with the slightest smile on his face "okay Zashi, Zawa" he smiled.

The car ride home was not quiet at all Zashi put on the music he liked and taught it to Izuku while singing the lyrics. After an hour on the road they arrived at their house, Izuku was mind blowed when Zashi picked him out of the child safety seat and put him on the ground "is this where I'll be living?" he asked flabbergasted "yup" Zawa said as he swung Izuku's backpack over his shoulder, Zashi grabbed his hand and they started walking to the big house Aizawa opened the door and let his husband and son walk in.

"welcome to your new house kid"

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