Chapter VII

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“Okay so we’ll do one practice round without the cameras on and if all goes well, we’ll do the actual shoot. Jisung, are you almost finished?” Min, their manager hollered across the room towards Han who was standing in the corner. 

Han turned around and nodded. “Yeah! Almost finished!”

I was standing off to the side with Min as we both looked at Han. “What in the world is he doing?” I asked.

Min smiled and lowered his voice. “From what Minho said, Han didn’t realize the pants he was wearing were as baggy as they actually are and both dances have quite a bit of sharp pelvic movements to them. So he’s tightening the strings to avoid any sort of…wardrobe malfunctions.”

“Sharp pelvic movements?!” I practically screamed and all eight of the guys turned and looked at me. I awkwardly waved and tried to crawl into the imaginary hole I had just dug for myself as they all just laughed amongst themselves. 

Changbin walked over towards Chris and gripped onto his shoulder. “You know, I bet she said that because I showed her just a small clip of Han’s dance practice videos for Charmer that I got on my phone last week. Wanted to give her a little taste before she saw it in real life.”

Chris looked over at me with a shocked expression on his face before glaring at Changbin and Han. “Oh so that’s how it is?” He said with a hint of laughter in his voice. “Hmm, okay. Y/N?“

“Y-yes?” The tone in his voice held more authority to it than I’d ever heard before as I quickly made my way over to them. I looked up at him as Han had finally finished adjusting his pants. ”Y-yes sir?”

He slowly curled his index finger, beckoning me to come towards him as my feet involuntarily moved in his direction. His eyes searched my face before he finally smiled and grabbed my hand. “I want you to sit right here.” He pulled me across the room and sat me down on the couch that was in front of one of the many large mirrors. He bent down and made sure my attention was fully on him as he dropped his voice. “You liked Han’s video huh?”

“Han’s video? What are you talking about?” 

He shook his head and smiled as both their manager and one of the directors started telling them to get in position. “Don’t play dumb with me.” He dropped his voice even lower and spoke quickly so as to not get either of us in trouble. “I want you to pay close attention when the chorus drops in. And I’d prefer if you didn’t pay that kind of attention to Han when it happens.” He stood up and quickly ran over to the rest of the group as they started talking amongst themselves.  

“What the hell is he talking about?” I said quietly to myself. I looked over and noticed Changbin signaling me with his hand behind his back. Earlier when we were walking in together we decided to give a code gesture for when the game was about to start. If I had to guess, this supposed Han video was something he had said to make Chris jealous and was the official start of our little game. He looked back over at me as I nodded, letting him know I got the message. He giggled but no one thought anything of it as they all waited for the go ahead to start the dance. 

Venom and Charmer were the two videos they were shooting today. Both done very well when they performed them live so it was the group's unanimous decision to make a dance rehearsal video for each of them. I've seen both plenty of times, honestly more than I’d like to admit, and I can’t lie when I say I was beyond ecstatic when I heard the news about the videos. 

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