Part 9: Before Eddie (S2)

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Writer POV:

You got out of the car and your mom waved at you and your brother you smiled and walked to the doors.

"Hey sis what do you think about inviting my friends over just wanted to make sure you were okay with it" Noland said "Yea sure I don't care" You said walking off.

Your brother was on the basketball team at this school it was a major sport at Hawkins high.

You mainly didn't have much people but you decided to try out for cheer mainly because your mom signed you up without you knowing. So after class you changed into your gym clothes. "Hey Y/N" Steve said walking up to you "What's up" You said giving him a hug "Eh nothing much" He said "Mm nicee" You said and went to watch him play but there was someone not familiar so you turned to some girl who was sitting next to you "Who's that kid?" You said "Oh thats Billy Hargrove he's a new kid a senior" She said she fauned over him. "He's so hot right" She said "Uh I guess?" You said After cheer you walked over to the girls locker room when you were stopped before you could enter.

"Hey uh what's your name?" Said Billy "Uh Y/N why?" You said "Nothing just thought you were cute" He said "I appreciate that but I'm kinda not looking for anyone at the moment" You said rolling your eyes at him before you could walk he grabbed your arm "Come on not just one date" He said "Ok fine only because I want you to let go of me before I punch you in the face and also for you to shut up" You said and tugged you arm away from his hand and walked in the locker room.

After school you met up with your brother " Hey uh do you know Billy Hargrove? " You said " Yea hes on the basketball team why?" He said  " Uh well he asked me out on a date" You said " That's nice but be careful he's sorta a player" He said " Right alright" You said and walked away. " Hey so uh tonight at 8?" Billy said walking over to you " Sure Hargrove" You said and walked to Steve's car " Hey what's up with you I saw you and Nancy after practice? " You said opening the car door " Uh yea At the party she was drunk and she told me she didn't love me so we kinda broke up now" He said " Aw I'm sorry you and Nanc were so good together but I mean nothing lasts forever right" You said shrugging and messing up his hair " Hey don't touch the hair" He said fixing it in the mirror. " Eh I think I'd rather not" You said laughing.

Date with Billy:

You Got in his car and he smiled at you " So we're we heading? " You said " Movie at my place" He said " You would think that it would be a second date" You said " Wait you think there will be a second date? " He said laughing " Yea yea I get it you only want to go on one date so you could hook up with me" You said rolling your eyes " No no it's not that I didn't think you would want to" He said " I never said I wanted to maybe that's all" You looked at the window the whole drive and then you arrived at the house.

You sat on the couch and he gave you some popcorn and went to get the movie in a other room. " Uh who are you" Said a red haired girl " I'm Y/N I'm on a date with Billy which Im guessing is your brother? " You said " Gosh we just moved here and he's already picked a girl? " She said rolling her eyes " Uh ok" You said " Max go now" Billy said shoving her out of the way.

You sat watching the movie you talked a bit here and there. " So how old are you? " He said "16" You said " I'm a Junior well next year I'll be a Senior" You said " Gosh well I'm 17 so that's not bad" He said You laugh here and there.

After the movie he drives you home

" Thanks I actually enjoyed tonight I didn't think that I would considering that your little sister there was saying you were a player or something" You said " Gosh she said that well I must admit I kinda am" He said " Wow never would have guessed" You said sarcastic. " Wow was that sarcasm? " He said "Yep get used to it" You said and smiled and walked into your house.

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