Start from the beginning

"I get you," James nodded, remembering a time when he was simply a farmer couple's child, whose house could be a shelter for those who feel unwelcomed by others.
After all, that was probably why Sirius Black stumbled into his life, and from then on? I do not think any of the Marauders regret their decision - and by Marauders, I imply the original five.

"The riddle?" Lily bought them back to their original track. 

"Yeah, about that, the riddle is strange and makes absolutely no sense," William warned. 

"Just give it to me." 

"The tea from the tunnel doesn't mark the spot, but the reef with no double does," he recited what he has heard recently. 

"What the fuck?" Frank blurted. His wife didn't even slap him for the curse. 

"Told you it was weird," the prince shrugged. "But that is what I have." 

"And you are a genius," Lily muttered. She addressed her group, "We'll have to go somewhere else." 

"Where?" James asked, skeptical of the situation. 

"The Secret Keeper, obviously," Mirit Clover spoke. "The Red Dragon's got a lead and she has places to lead us." 

The Red Dragon they were speaking of zoomed past them and expected them to follow, which they did. Even the two royalties hidden in disguise slipped through the back. What can I say? They were curious. 

⊱⊰ ⊱⊰ ⊱⊰

"It seems I've got visitors," Marlene McKinnon turned around when her door opened all on its own. "And it seems like I've got quite a bunch. Where's the warning, Red Cap?" 

The woman had quite an odd look. She wore a dusty gray shirt knotted together in the center, right over her belly button. She matched with it a colorful skirt and no shoes of any kind. She rather liked her feet touching the hot sand and the cold snow, whenever that came. 

"Warning later. Map Room now," the redhead rushed to the only room that was safe enough to hide all the maps they have ever used. The resulting lock sound was one that her own crew knew well, and they happened to also know that this - whatever it was - won't be done so quick and easy

"Well, that's going to take a while, so I think it's good that I know my guests. You know, that's a rule in my household," Marlene sounded like the rich aunt royal families barely see. "I know the Princess and Prince of Druisia anywhere, even if they are hiding underneath cloaks. The man the princess is attached to must be her husband." 

"How do you know?" 

"Assumptions," Marlene tipped her imaginary hat. "So, you must be... someone." 

"Frank Longbottom." 

"Any chance related to Augusta Longbottom?" 

"Mother," Frank clarified. 

"Sorry for your loss." 

He just shrugged, no words on his mind to say. 

"Okay, so Alice and Frank, and little Nilly." 

"Not little!" was the prince's argument, which Marlene ignored. Instead, she looked at the hazel-eyed man standing in between, "Who are you?" 

"James Potter," he said after some consideration. 

"From the massive Potter line?" Marlene tilted her head. "You've got a story worth telling, then. No backstabbing points to make you turn. Something had to make you want to be a pirate." 

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