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It didn't take them that long before The Marauding was caught in a storm. When the storm subdued and finally was gone, after what seemed like hours, The Marauding ran into another trouble of its own. 

"Prongs!" the crow of The Marauding tried to call, but the approaching sound made it harder for one to hear the other. 

Pirates infiltrated the ship, causing mayhem to strike on The Marauding.

Of course, the pirates of The Marauding fought back, but the surprise in it all tipped off their usual strength and coordination. They were clamped up, and Captain James Potter was tugged forward. 

"Two options," spoke a man the Captain couldn't tell at the moment whether it was Fabian Prewett or his more free-way styled twin, Gideon Prewett. "Either choose a group to move forward with you, or your inner circle decides to step forward."

"The other option is better," the other twin advised. 

Before the captain could open his bleeding lips, a few stepped forward. To be exact, three men stepped forward. 

"The fourth member of the inner circle is up there," Remus looked up at the crow's nest. "Our crow who saw you, but you were just too quick of a worm." 

"What a compliment," a girl muttered before jumping up and gliding through the ropes easily as a palace joker could juggle balls. She pulled the cowering man up and threatened him down the ropes, dragging him with the other three fools who decided to step forward.
"Idiots," she muttered, before returning to her position behind the twins with two swords at the ready. 

"Just you lot?" 

"Why?" Sirius Black spoke up. "You want to take all of us over there?" 

"You're moving into another ship, not heaven," a woman kicked him in the knee. 

"Darling, I'd be going to hell if you believe the villagers." 
He received another kick from the same woman for the remark he had made.

"Webb, we'd like him alive, thank you very much," one of the twins warned. "Now, move them forward. Claws, you lead them and Camo will help you on the other end to lead them to the cells until we've got further instructions. Swiper, you stay as the main man overseeing this. Webb, you be the second-hand woman who would put Swiper in his place if he crossed the line." 

The woman addressed as Webb saluted one of the twins and grinned at the other, which made that twin gulp for the act of it. 

"I'll send over Nape to help with all this, but we can't use too much. You think three could handle these?" the man who seemed more sensible of all asked. 

"Webb on her own could kill half of them in two seconds flat!" 

"None are killed," Captain James Potter spoke up. 

"Sure, mate. Stay on our good side, and you'll come back to a home that has no scratch." 

"And if we don't?" 

"Then I am afraid you'll have to go back to the sea to find the remains of your ship," the sensible twin shrugged. 

"Remind me to teach you better threats," the other twin shook his head at the first twin. 

The first twin rolled his eyes.

"Which is which?" one of the captured asked. 

"We're born on the same day," one answered. 

"But that ain't mean we're exact," continued the other.  

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