Start from the beginning

Nobody messes with Nyra Patil, especially if it involves her loved ones. 

Nobody messes with Mirit Clover, especially if you decided to have a go with her. 

Nobody messes with Gideon Prewett, especially if he was looking for a fight. 

Nobody messes with Lily Evans, especially if they don't have a death wish. 

That is probably what combined the crew of Lily Evans, both who were with her at the moment and who were back at the ship. The thing is that they all collectively agreed that nobody messed with them that easily. Maybe it was a pirate thing, and maybe it was merely just their thing. But I would rather believe it was a pirate thing, as you will get to learn more and more throughout the story. 

Now, I suppose things are best explained when one starts at the beginning (even if this story started in the middle). 

"Webb? What are you doing here?"

"The only adventurous one to go to the tavern," shrugged Thora Webb, a member of The Red Dragon. "You said we can do as we want, and I know the price. Still, I took the risk."

"Risk-taker Thora Webb," Mirit smirked into her drink. "Told you she's a good one." 

"Of course I am," she may have had alcohol in her system, but Thora Webb was always a confident one. 

"Look at that confident-"

Before the bastard could finish his sentence, Thora Webb turned around and punched him right in the nose. She struck straight and she struck hard, with the sound of bones breaking as an afterthought. 
She honestly did not want any bastard running her night. 


"Well, thank you, Thora," Lily spoke. "I've been wanting to fight someone." 

"Any time, Cap," Thora saluted before she punched the other bastard that was going in for her. 

"Told you trying a new tavern wouldn't be good! Should have gone to our old one!" Gideon shouted before having to throw his cup at an opponent. 

⊱⊰ ⊱⊰ ⊱⊰

Marlene McKinnon had gone on another venture and was heading back to her own home when she bumped into someone. 

"I-I-I'm scared," spoke the woman.
Her hair was a dark color with ruined braids styled in, looking like an outright mess at the moment. The light eyes were a green shade that could have been magic if she wasn't in her poor state. If she was dressed properly instead of the clawed-out outfit she was wearing, Marlene reckoned she would be one of the most beautiful women Marlene has ever seen. 

"Poor thing, what happened to you?" 

"Monsterous men," the poor woman was shaking from fear and from the cold wind that was blessing the kingdom's day. 

"How about something to warm you up?" Marlene McKinnon asked the scared woman. 

"That would be very kind of you," the woman actually was able to give a small smile. "Thank you."

"I'll need a name first, though," Marlene started walking. She looked behind her back when there was no sound of footsteps behind her. "That is a price I have to ask for."

"Emmeline," the woman caught up with Marlene. "Emmeline Vance." 

"A pretty name for a pretty girl," the blonde woman commented, leading the way to what she liked to deem as a safe house. 

⊱⊰ ⊱⊰ ⊱⊰

After ordering the rest of her crew to head back and wait for her, Lily secured her hood and took the way to a house she had not seen in a while. It was a house, a home if you may, that she had lived in after her parents' death. It was not the first house no, but a second one that she still visits every time she has out her anchor down at Druisia's port. 

She knocked on the door, a special knock that only she ever knew about so that the family of the household would know that they could open the door because it would be Lily Evans behind it. 

When they did not open the door the first time, Lily tried again, and this time they heard. Maybe they were hoping for a double-check since it has been a while since she had visited. In return, she was greeted with a blurb of brown filled with brightness.

"She's here!" the little girl pulled the laughing redhead inside (it has been a while since Captain Evans has allowed herself a good laugh). 

"I was almost worried you died," Andromeda chided as she hugged her. "Ted has been out for an hour, but he should be back soon." 

"I rather care for this little bugger here most of all," Lily ruffled the short hair of Andromeda's child. 

"I'm this," the smiling girl put out seven fingers, indicating the age she had entered just a few days ago. 

"I know, and that's why I brought you a present," Lily looked through her pocket and produced three pearls attached to one another, meant to be a decoration for the hair. At least that is what Lily meant for it when she made it. 

"I'll wear it all the time."

"That would be tiresome, Dora," her mother winced. 

"I agree, I think you should wear it sometimes. On special occasions maybe."

"Every day is special," the little Nymphadora Tonks crossed her arms.

The redheaded captain smiled at that as she removed her hood, wondering why it was still up when there was no one around to see her. 

The door knocked again.

"That must be Ted," Andromeda went for the door. 

"Can you stay long?" Nymphadora asked. 

"I'll try for the longest," was the best promise Lily could make. 

⊱⊰ ⊱⊰ ⊱⊰

I realize that there are a few occurrences where they speak like how google says pirates speak, but what if that is all a myth made by landmen in order to make pirates hated?  Have we thought of that? So, I guess, you'll have a mix of this and a mix of that from our pirates featuring this story. 

Anywho, how are you lot?
It's finally Thursday and we've finished one week of the story (sorry, but I'm not going to post on weekends). 

Until next time, mateys!

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