Being Just An Old Friend (pt.3)

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Your POV:
I told Nash everything but I might've left out 1 tiny detail and that was my feeling towards him...
"So since I spoke out we're done here. Bye." I said quickly not leaving any room for him to pop in and say something. I closed the window and laid down on my bed. He figured out a way to open it back up.
"Your cute!" He explained as I madly blushed but he wouldn't know I was facing away. But then NVM! " you really think I'm going to leave. Ha your so funny." He joked I smiled when he said that he wasn't leaving.
"You're not?"
"Nope. I have a feeling you're leaving something out of your story."
"No. No. I'm not... I wouldn't." I played with my hair.
"You're such a bad liar." He laughed.
"I'm not a bad liar."
"Ok maybe your not."
"Ya. You just lied by saying your not a bad liar without fidgeting."
"Oh shut up."
We talked for so long. I climbed out my window with a thin blanket and sat with him for hours. He asked why I left out a detail and what I did leave out. I told him I'd tell him tomorrow just so I could see how it was going.
"Umm.. Well I'm kind of leaving tomorrow."
"Y/N , I can't stay here forever. I'd love to but I can't. "
"Right. Ya. No I forgot that you had a life over in LA."
"I'm sorry. It's just that my job is being over there."
"What if you stayed here and still did your social media job?" I asked for hope.
"No sorry but Hollywood is filled with opportunities that I can't give up. I'm sorry." I stood up and slid my body back through the glass window. I folded the blanket and said I had to go. It was happening again
"Right... Well bye. Oh and don't worry about the missing part of the story it was just one detail. It's nothing okay? Anyways. Bye" he tried stopping me but I locked the window and closed the blinds.

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