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Sword was resting around their living quarters, his helmet settled on the floor. Today, nothing was really happening. Blade and Meta Knight had gone off to buy groceries without him (which he was very bummed about) and there hadn't been a monster encounter since yesterday. He gnawed on his bottom lip, which was noticably chapped. He didn't know what to do while he was alone.

Thankfully, he wasn't alone for much longer. Blade Knight comes in through the door, however not with Meta Knight. Sword sits up.

"Welcome back-- where's sir Meta Knight?" He asks, puzzled.

"He wen' to see how Kirby and 'he Minis'er's kids were doin'." Blade replies, sticking a bag of groceries on the counter.

Sword kicks his nub feet off the side of the couch--since they finally got one--and curiously watches Blade as he reaches into the bag. Suddenly, he's thrown a small tube, which he struggles to catch. Finally, with it settled in his hand, he looks at it.

"I no'iced your lips were chapped." Blade says with a hum. He proceeds to put the groceries away in their fridge.

"Ah, thank you." Sword replies, looking at the tube. Vanilla cream. He opens the tube and smells it. Goddamn these stupid products smelling delicious... He applies some to his lips.

"Wha' flavor is i'?" Blade asks, as though he wasn't the one who just bought it.

"Vanilla cream." Sword replies, quickly rubbing his lips together.

Blade finishes putting the groceries away and walks into the living room, hopping onto the couch right beside Sword. He removes his two pieces helmet.

"Ay, could I have some of 'ha' chaps'ick Sword?" Blade asks with a nonchalant expression.

"Sure, here." Sword hands Blade the tube. What he wasn't expecting was for Blade to grab his extended arm instead of the chapstick. He gives a soft noise of confusion before the shorter knight pulls Sword down to his level and presses their lips together.

Sword is obviously startled. His face flares into a crimson red. Blade pulls away and licks his lips with a flirtatious grin.

"Ay 'hanks. I' really does 'as'e like vanilla cream." Blade smirks at Sword before hopping off the couch and heading back to the kitchen, leaving the taller knight completely dumbfounded and flustered.

Sword X Blade OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang