Start from the beginning

It was my inspiration. I know its been tough to stop for a year and give way for my sibling, to help him in his studies, to finish and graduate, like what am I doing right now.

As I enter our room, my current classmates were all smiling towards me.

"Good morning bro." One of my classmates gave a fist bump before I sat. I nodded when the girls are also greeting me.

I smiled as I sat down. I look like a giant because of my 5'11 height. I also sat at the back row, for my classmates not to be bothered.

They treated me as their brother. They would respect me, and understand my situation. My classmates knew me. I'm glad that at least, there are some that would understand my situation.

Our professor had arrived. Some may be strict but, since I'm well fond of them, I understand how they would act in their classes. Some look cool as well, and as they look unto mine, there are hints. Those hints that they look like they lose something or somehow disappointed.

The class started. I just listened and would answer if they prefer me to answer it. I still look at them like they were my teachers before, which is really the fact that they were. I just smiled partly whenever they would call me.

I really had a favorite subject in Science. It was Physics. I'm really interested on how these non-living bodies do exist and how they affect our lives everyday. Day by day, I just can't help but to be excited. Excited to learn new things that I failed to reach out before.

I just can't be contented with what I had right now. I still want more, and I also had the joy to teach others. Teaching is my passion. I really make sure that they can really learn from me.

Our classes continued till it end on a break. I went out of the room, just to see students who tend to greet me. I just wave my hand upon them, although some would go near just to have a fist bomb with me. I also return the favors to them. Although many would judge me why, but I really don't care. They really can't push me down.

I walked towards the café to buy myself some food. I heard some noises of chants coming up right here in the cafeteria, but I don't mind. I was looking on the way when someone bumped at me intentionally. I looked at him, and I was startled when I saw him. We're already at the same level, and yet he never changed.

"Well well, the returnee came back on track! Who would expect this with someone being part of the student council, eh?" He mocked me. He's right. I'm a returnee yet I was part of the student council. I raised my brows while looking at him, trying to remember him. Ah, that's right! He was really that guy! That guy who always get into my nerves.

I laughed. "You really never changed." I saw how he glared unto mine. I smirked inside me.

Let's see until when he would last.

"Yeah. Look at you, you're still a junior student. A wannabe that should be graduating like us." He smirked. I clenched my fist for a second. I was giving him a poker face look.

How dare him to judge me...

"You're supposed to work as of now. Why bother to come here?" I ask him confusingly. I mean, they are almost graduating from their bachelor's degree, so why stay here? Should they have their OJTs instead?

He eventually grabbed me in my collar. He gritted his teeth with annoyance.

"I'll do what I want, hmm?" He hummed. I felt like my ears became sensitive, an arousing feeling when he hummed and his breath touch my ears. Weird...

I rolled my eyes as I took his hand off mine. "Okay okay do your thing." I said. I fixed my collar like nothing happened and went straight to my room. I was stopped by him by grabbing my shoulder. I looked at him with a questionable look.

"What are you up to, Knight?" I ask him but he didn't answer.

"Look. I'm really busy as of now. I cannot entertain you right now. I'm sorry." I let go but he asked with his eyes looking at me.

"You still don't have an idea? Stupid you, eh?" He mocked me. I did not respond.

"I'm already done with my OJT, so you would probably see me around here." I was startled. What in the science is he up to, again!?

"You what?" I clarified. He smirked.

"Watch out, loser." He winked before he walked away. I walked inside the room with afloated mind.

"Hey bro. What happened to you?" Harvey, one of my classmates asked me.

"Can you take OJTs during summer?" I asked him. His brows furrowed and was thinking of a right answer, perhaps.

"You would probably need inside connections in that case." He said. I nodded as I head straight forward in my seat. He then followed, afterwards.

"Why? Is there any problem?" He asked me. I smiled to assure him that I'm okay.

"If you had a problem with transportation, worry no more. Our university allows localization, so we can have our training in schools nearby." He said. I nodded.

"I'm okay with that. I'm just amazed that there are some that would allow graduating students to have an early OJT." I said. Because if that's possible, I could have one right now so that I won't meet him anymore.

"Those cases were different bro. I'm sure behind those students are powerful backers." He said. I agree with that. Backers are also unfair.

"Well, I can be more powerful than the backer." I startled and looked back. I show him smirking at me. He even smiled sarcastically.

"Okay, you're the winner." I know the kinds of him. He's a guy that you wouldn't like to argue with, because he always win. I never heard of his defeat ever since.

"I know Kairus. But, you made me amused even more. Talking behind my back? Hmmm?" I glared at him and spoke afterwards. Harvey just stared at him without reaction, and I fixed myself to be ready in the class.

"Yeah. I'm talking about you." I uttered and luckily, our professor had arrived. I fixed myself and listened to his points. I was about to participate when I heard hus whisper behind me.

"Let's continue my game, hmm?" I took a deep breath , fixing a lot of the composure that was built-in within me.

I shook my head. This isn't right. It will never be one because of him.

It would never be.


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