The blurt out

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The weekend went by fast. Charlie was nervous to go back to school because he didn't want to see Nick. He was afraid that he would accidentally kiss Nick or do some other stupid thing. Charlie decided to avoid Nick as much as he could. Besides the classes he had. It would be a little difficult because Charlie sat next to Nick first period. And Charlie worried that Nick would not avoid Charlie. Oh well.


I wake up and for a second I feel good. Then, I remember the conversation I had with my mom yesterday. I thought to myself: Will I turn Nick gay on accident? What if I disgust him? What if he doesn't see me that way? What if- OUT OF CHARLIE'S THOUGHTS.....


"Charlie come downstairs for breakfast." Said mom. Charlie walks down the stairs with his head down while fidgeting with his hands. He sits at the table, not being able to glance at his food. Mom looks at him with a concerned look. Charlie was always like this but he always at least had a couple bites of his food. "Charlie has something happened?" Says mom. "Well- you see- I- it's- no nothing happened im ok." Charlie says. "Well, If you need to talk to me later and something has actually happened come see me." Says mom. "Ok". Says Charlie.


They head to school. Tori didn't come because she is sick. Which meant Charlie would have to go to her school and pick up her homework.


I walk in the school. I gulp nervously because I'm afraid I'll bump into Nick. Yes, I know I have to sit next to him. Really, really, close to him. I wish they would of made the table more extended. Why did I have to fall in love with someone who isn't gay? But when I was at his house I felt something between us. Maybe Nick did too. I enter the classroom nervous. I look around and to my eyes.... Nick is....not there. Hm. Well phew. I sit in my seat relieved. But why isn't he here? Maybe next period he will be here. Wait no I don't want to see him I want to avoid him. Keep your head straight Charlie.


"Class get out your homework form last Friday please." Says the professor. Charlie shuffles through his bag. Then, he stars shuffling through it frantically. He realized that he left his homework at his house. No, at Nick's house. "Oh shit, there is no way I am going to his house. I can't." Says Charlie. "I've been trying to avoid him. Great. Fantastic. Brilliant." Says Charlie. Charlie didn't realize that he was talking a little bit too loud. Students started to stare at him weird.

"Is there a problem, Charlie?" Says the professor. "Um no, I just- I- I- Uhm- you see-." Says Charlie. The professor started to get impatient with Charlie's stuttering. Charlie was never put on the spot before. "Well spit it out already I have a class to teach and homework to grade." Says the professor. "I LEFT MY HOMEWORK AT MY HOUSE". Says Charlie. Charlie is shocked that he yelled at the professor. The students were shocked too. The professor raises his eyebrows. "Oh my, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell. You just kind of rushed me and I just spit it out." Says Charlie. "Never yell at me again." Says the professor. "Yessir." Says Charlie.

The students stop staring and listen to the teacher for the rest of the time.

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