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January 20th

Makay's POV

I'm currently pacing around the room looking for something to wear. I need to look stunning, he's Jude Bellingham for God's sake. I need to make him like me and my outfit will have a contribution to that. He's gonna be here in 7 hours and 30 something minutes! What are you doing Kay!! Oh shit! Nia gave me a dress a while ago, the question is do I even have it still? Let me call these two

Nia: wassup!
Mia: hey Miss Makaya
Then they started singing happy birthday as if I had time for that.

"Guys! I love y'all and thanks for that but I have a crisis!"

"What is it now?" They replied in unison. Telepathy freaks me out, I thought.

" I have a date with Jude flipping Bellingham and I don't know what to wear!"

"What!!?" These niggas back on this telepathic shit again?

Anyways I explained the whole situation to them and trust me I was annoyed a lot. They aren't even twins but they're always on this telepathic shit and it gets me irritated sometimes bro

"Girl it's 12:46 now, you better find some clothes and don't forget to iron them" Nia is so out of pocket

"Yeahhh what Nia said and don't for get to clean your shoes" Mia follows up

"You all were no help at all!"

"We love you too and get some tonight!" The useless telepaths replied which only caused me to hang up.

They were no help so now I'll have to look for my own stuff as usual smh.

Time skip~ 4:56

Almost one hour until Jude is here and I still need to put on my clothes, makeup, jewelry and shoes! What the actual ****!

Time skip~5:58

I ended up wearing a pink, black and red body con dress, red heals and simple jewelry. My heart dropped to my stomach when I heard my ringtone and saw Jude calling me. Well, it was an unknown number but I knew it was half n half calling. I answered and told him I would be outside in a few, I'm sure he wondered how I knew it was him. I locked my house and made sure the cameras were on then met the half breed waiting to open the door of his all black Aston Martin for me.

"Hey, you look even more beautiful in person Kaya" Awwwww Jude! This man had my heart doing summer salts and cartwheels

"Thanks J" I responded and gave him a kiss on the cheek, why did I do that?

"Are you ready, love?" He replied, I sensed a blush but because of the black in him I couldn't really see.

"Yeah" he opened the door for me which I said thanks to.

On the way to the restaurant we got to know each other and I honestly think that he's the one. Yeah I know you all are probably thinking 'Makaya what?!' but I know what I'm feeling. I think fate brought us together

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