To Honor And To Remember

Start from the beginning

Akio looked up to him and gave him a sad nod and moved away from Aya, pulling Ayumu along with him. Gaara went down to his knees and grab Aya and hugged her. Aya cried into his chest as he rub her back. Naruto had tears flowing down as well. He really didn't understand how and why Queen Nefertiti passed away until Aya fully explained to him. It made him angry that someone was willing to make someone else go through some much pain for others' benefit. 

"Those who had lost their friends, their children, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins during the tragic times, speak their names out loud." Pope Iselin ordered. The coursed of people's name was thrown into the air and heard. "Nefertiti Cado." Late Queen Nefertiti name was heard. "We may have lost our loves one, but our memories of them will never be gone. The memories of them will forever be engraved in our hearts. As much we are saddened by their departure but celebrate the time, we had with them. Even if it was for a brief moment. Remember the lesson they would teach, remember the skills you have learnt from them, remember the good days had with them. Let's honor them. They may not be here to physically to see this glorious day that our Kingdom was rebuilt from ashes but thousands of them had faith, hoped and trust in the prophecy that their beloved Queen Shashi would return. She did, as promised. Let's honor them. Let's have a moment of silence." Pope Iselin said. Everyone was silent except for those who was still crying their hearts out. Aya had calm down some, but people could still hear her. Kakashi followed Gaara's lead and went to stand by Ayumu as she was standing in his embrace, her head resting on his arm as silent tears down her face. Akio was standing with Sakura and the others. 

Queen Akari wipe the tears that was falling down her face. King Itachi, who was beside her, held her hand for comfort. Queen Akari pulled him with her as she made her way to her father. Ayumu who watched followed suit and made Kakashi go down with her. Akio sighed. Sakura and were holding hands and he made her go with him, following his sisters. Aya could sense her siblings moving and meeting up with their father. With tears coming out, she slowly release herself from Gaara's embrace. He helped her up, wiped her tears and lead her to her siblings. 

"To our mother, Queen Nefertiti, for the brief moment we were able to reconnect, you were filled with love, compassion, selflessness. Whenever you walked into a room, your smiled and your aura captures the attention of an audience. Mother, all of your life, you had to protect and fight for your family, for your Kingdom and it's people. Not once you gave up. When you were at your breaking point, you made yourself suffer so I didn't have too. I'm sorry." Aya started to speak but broke down again. Gaara hugged her tighter and kissed her forehead. Queen Akari was trying her best to keep her composer. Her eyes is glossy. She kept breathing in and out as her face was getting heated and her hand started to tremble. King Itachi could feel her shaking. He could fully read her mind and Queen Akari wasn't doing too well. "I'm right here." Her loving husband whispered into her ear. Queen Akari took another breath. 

"Just like all the rest of the storm, this too shall past. The grief, the heartache, and the pain of being sad. Honor them as they honored you when they were alive. Make them proud and they were proud of you. Celebrate them as they celebrated the minor things with us. Let their memoires be engraved in our hearts." Pope Iselin resumed. The guards came to push Queen Nefertiti in the open casket into the river, with flowers around it. Former King Bello made a small fire with a stick and set the flowers near the casket on fire, which in turn, caught on fire. The people followed suit and put the white lantern into the river. 

"It is done." Pope Iselin said. The people said a little prayer as one by one, they started to leave the site. Those that was near the royal family would bow to them before heading off. Many of the people came the other regions and would have a journey ahead of them. The Kages and guest said their prayer, bowing to the royal family out of respect before heading back to the castle to rest. The casket in the river continued to burn as more and more people leave. The royal family had yet to leave. Two hours later, the royal family, Itachi's parents, some of the Kohona Twelve, some of the Akatsuki's, Gaara, and Kakashi stayed behind. Queen Akari couldn't contain herself anymore and broke down in tears. She fell down to her knees and cried her heart out. Her father grab the crown that was on her head before it could fall. She had her head on the ground and pound the ground softly and cried.

 Queen Akari didn't care who saw her like this. Mikoto was looking at her daughter like figure with her heart clenching. Mikoto left her husband side and walked over to Queen Akari. King Itachi was by his wife side, rubbing on her back. Mikoto went down to her knees and force Queen Akari to look at her. But Queen Akari was sobbing like crazy. Saying things, it's her fault and all what nots. Mikoto was trying to get some words in, but Queen Akari was mumbling things over and over again. Mikoto took a deep breath and then slapped Queen Akari in the face. Hard and loud. Everyone stared wide eye at Mikoto and Queen Akari who was staring at her wide eye holding her burning left cheek with more tears pouring down her face. Fugaku was about to go and reach for Mikoto, but King Itachi slowly got up and stopped him.

 "Akari dear, I'm sorry but you need to hear this. This is not your fault. Yes, you may have the gift to know the future, to see what's in someone's mind, may have the strength of a thousand men and more, and could be the most powerful person in the world. And which you are. But at the end of the day, you are a human being. You have faults and flaws just like every zone else. No one is born perfect, where everything they do is perfect. The song that was chanted yesterday, Circle of Life, that chant is beautiful. Everything out in this world is a Circle of Life. We are born, we grow, we make a life for ourselves, make awesome bonds with people, some have families, some don't but at the end of our lives, we die. We cannot control how we die, when we die but we all are going to die regardless. I'm sorry baby girl but I need you to stop putting all this self-blame on yourself. You were just a little child yourself when this happened to your mother. How could you have known? It breaks my heart seeing you like this Akari. And you too Aya. If I could take that feeling and pain you all are feeling, trust me I would in a heartbeat. I've heard what happened and why it happened. Trust me from a mother herself, if that were to happen to any of my boys, of course I would have done the same exact thing from them over and over again. Because as a mother, my children are my pride and joy. I will lay my life for them. Your mother did what she did for you Aya because she loves you. When you three girls become mothers yourself, you will understand the feeling and the love a mother will have for their children. So please, don't blaming yourselves." Mikoto said tears flowing down her face as she wipes Queen Akari's face.

 "Akari, listen to me when I say this. You have become my daughter the minute you and your siblings stepped foot inside our home and turned it upside  down. I have love you and each of one of you. I see you all has my very own. I love you all and I need you all to stop torturing yourselves because I won't allow it. Are we clear?" Mikoto said the last part firmly. Queen Akari nodded her head and so did her siblings. She hugged Mikoto tightly, tears still flowing down her face. "Thank you, I love you every much and I'm sorry." Queen Akari said softly. "Baby girl, there's nothing to be sorry about." Mikoto said slowly getting up along with Queen Akari. Aya and Ayumu left Gaara and Kakashi side and went to hug Mikoto as well. Sakura pushed Akio along and made him go to Mikoto. Mikoto turn to him and took his hand. "Akio, since you and Sasuke were little, you two have been best of friends. I always seen you as a son. I love you as such and don't forget that." Mikoto said hugging him.

 Akio had tears flowing out of his eyes has he nodded. He hugged her tighter as Mikoto has always been a mother figure to him longer than his own mother was, due to the circumstances. Mikoto release the hug and smiled at everyone. She breath in and out. "There, I finally said it. Now come along now everyone, I'm going to make something for us to eat." Mikoto said releasing Akio from her embrace. Mikoto grab Fugaku's arm, leading the group, headed to the castle. 

Former King Bello stood still on the same spot he was standing when the casket was near him. He heard everything Mikoto was saying to his children, and he was touch. That someone took care of them while he and his wife couldn't. He sighed. Queen Akari looked at her husband and to him she will stay with her father, and they won't be long. King Itachi looked at her, kiss her cheek softly and walked with the rest of the group. Queen Akari stood next to her father as they watched as the fire slowly dies from the casket that held their beloved mother/wife. Former King Bello sighed. "I'm going to miss her." He said sadly. Queen Akari gaze at the river with saddest and then look her father. "Me too." She whispered to him. "But mom is now resting, no longer suffering. Let's honor her today and forever until, one day we'll join her." She said grabbing her fathers' hand. Her father squeeze it back and held her hand. After a brief moment, the father-daughter duo turned and started to follow the rest of the group to their home. Finally, home. 

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