Angst and Archives

Start from the beginning

"We pulled your file from the archives. It's your birth certificate, army records, every piece of information we have on you." He tapped a few buttons on a screen in front of him and sighed in satisfaction. "As of right now you are officially resurrected. Social Security number, passport, bank account, and a generous deposit from the US government for resettlement and to thank you for your service."

"" Betty didn't quite know what to say and put her birth certificate back on the pile.

"We, ah, also found this in your file," Fury said, handing her a manila envelope, seal intact.

She turned the envelope in her hands, running her fingers over the familiar scrawl on the front.

Congratulations to you both,

- Howard

Betty frowned. She'd never seen this before in her life. Looking back up at Fury she raised her eyebrows in question, and he shrugged back at her. It was easy to open the envelope with her thumb as the old glue cracked and peeled away from the paper. Reaching in she felt a piece of thick cardstock and slid it out, placing it on the desk in front of her. The words Stark Industries were immediately visible in a banner across the top of the page.

"It's a shares certificate," she breathed. "For Stark Industries."

Betty turned the page around for Fury to see. He whistled in appreciation.

"This is worth something," he said, tapping again on his computer. "Damn, I think we're looking at about $1.2 million. But it must have been put in the wrong file. It's certified to Sergeant and Mrs J. Barnes."

"What did you say?" Betty breathed, a chill running up her spine.

"I take it that name means something to you?"

"It means everythin' to me," she whispered, almost inaudibly, tears pricking at the corners of her eyes.

Fury said nothing, just stared at her, waiting for her to fill the silence. Her hand had found its way into the pocket of her sweatpants, gripping the wooden birds tightly, trying in vain to calm her pounding heart. She looked at him with eyes watering, silently begging him not to make her say it.

"So you really aren't the better Rogers then?" He asked softly, although he didn't really need an answer.

Betty looked down, shaking her head, dislodging a tear which fell onto the manilla envelope, darkening the paper.

"I'm sorry," Fury uttered in empathy.

He flicked through Betty's file once more, looking for anything that could prove her claim to the shares, but it was futile. He shook his head.

"I'll see what my team can do but Stark's attorneys are damn fucking watertight."

"Thanks anyway Director," she said quietly, swiping at her face and schooling her features into a more neutral expression.

"Call me Fury." He didn't smile but his tone was kind. "Take a moment, I'll get Knowles back here. All your documents will be waiting in your room ready for you."

"Can you keep these for me?" Betty asked him, not yet ready for the physical reminders of what she had left behind.

"Of course, Rog...Betty." He nodded once and she stood, leaving the office in time to see Abby appear at the end of the corridor. With a glance over her shoulder and a weak smile at Fury, she walked towards her liaison, straightening her back and lifting her chin to try and suppress her grief.

"Hey Betty, I take it you're an official citizen again now?"

"Apparently so." Betty raised her eyebrow. "What's next?"

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