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"Good morning, Starshine. The Earth says hello!"

Betty groaned and rolled over, blinking blearily at the sound of Abby's bright and cheery voice.

"It's open," she croaked, flinging her arm over her forehead.

"Heyyyyy Bet..." Abby began, and then stopped, confusion on her face. "Where are...there you are! What are you doing on the floor?!"

"Bed's too soft," Betty grumbled, sitting up and wiping a hand over her face.

"Well, grab a shower and get dressed. We've got somewhere to be in 30 minutes, and I brought you breakfast," she grinned, depositing a paper cup and a bagel on Betty's desk. "I'll be back soon."

She swept out of the door and Betty dragged herself into the small bathroom, running her hand through her hair and switching on the shower. Toiletries, she thought to herself, looking at the generic, unscented bottles on the countertop. I definitely need some toiletries.

Hair and body washed, teeth brushed, and toilet visited, Betty opened her closet and stared at the limited options before her. Shrugging in resignation, she pulled on underwear and a white t-shirt with the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo on the front. It was a too big, but it wasn't as if she had much of choice. The grey sweatpants fit her better. She'd not worn anything like them before and actually found them kind of comfortable. Snuggling into the easy chair, she sipped her coffee and ate her bagel as she waited for Abby to return.

"It's unusual for the big guy to want to do this himself you know. He usually leaves stuff like this to his minions," babbled Abby as she led Betty through yet another series of corridors.

"The big guy?" Betty asked, confusion settling over her like a comfort blanket.

"Yeah, the big guy," she smirked.

Glass-fronted offices began to line each side of the corridor, but they didn't stop until they reached largest office the very end. A sign on the door read Director N. Fury.

"This is where I leave you Betty. I'll come back and get you when you're done." Abby waved and headed back down the corridor.

"Done with what?" Betty called after her, but she didn't get an answer.

Turning around and steeling herself with a deep breath, she knocked on the door. It opened automatically and, assuming that was an invitation to enter, she stepped through the door and into the office. Fury was gazing out of the window facing away from her, standing at ease with his hands clasped behind his back.

"Thanks for coming," he said, turning around. "Take a seat."

She took his offer and sat. Betty hadn't seen Fury since she'd left the hospital, but Steve had seemed to trust him so she'd follow his lead. He sank down into the giant leather chair that loomed ominously behind his desk and rested his elbows on the dark wooden surface, pressing his fingers together. He swept his one eye over her in appraisal.

"You look like crap."

"Thanks. I didn't think you'd be that observant considerin' know..." She nodded to his eyepatch.

"Nice. And there I was thinking you were the better Rogers."

"I'm definitely not the better Rogers. Apparently this meetin' is unusual for you," she stated.

"It's not normally on my list of things to do but considering the sensitive nature of your...situation...I thought it best to oversee this one myself."

"What exactly am I here for?" She asked, bemused.

"To bring you back from the dead."

He slid a cardboard file towards him and flipped it open, pulling out the first document and handing it over to her. She squinted at the faded writing.

The Second Hand Unwinds (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now