beomjun ¹

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midnight stargazer
beomgyu and yeonjun
💌 the following is fictional and not related to the real members or idols mentioned, learn to differentiate reality and fiction.

the loud footsteps on his roof startled the boy, "what the fuck?" he jolted from his mattress and quietly grabbed a baseball bat. "you have got to be kidding me, i've got a big test tomorrow." he groaned in annoyance. the male didn't like this at all, he neither liked that he was going to get robbed soon. "i'm a broke run away high school student, i do not deserve this." he gripped tighter on his baseball bat and shifted his gaze to the ceiling.

"can you please go away!" he yelled loudly, this quieted the footsteps on his rooftop. his heart raced not hearing anything coming from the outside, "how dumb am i? the robber now knows i'm home." he mentally slapped himself. yeonjun seated himself on the floor slowly and sighed, "am i safe now...?" he quietly asked. it was still unsure if he was safe or not, but he was getting tired from all that commotion. he stood up from the ground, bringing his bat with him, he went outside the small house. "i'm a broke high school student so please go away!" he shouted very loudly, swinging his bat at the same time. "please leave me alone!" he added.

the male looked around and saw no one, he panted spinning in place. "w-what?" he let go of his bat and collapsed to the ground, tired. "that was hilarious i've got to say." in about seconds he grabbed his bat and got back up, "who's there? what do you want?" he slowly spun in place, looking for the person talking. "up here, idiot." he looked up and saw a boy on his rooftop, he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "did i startle you?" he went down and landed on his feet, "apologies." he chuckled.

"w-what were you doing there..." he held up his bat to the figure walking towards him, "please don't hurt me..." he attempted to swing it but he stopped. he looked up to lock eyes with the stranger, "i doubt you were good in baseball." he caught the bat before it hit him. "i also do not want to rob you or anything like that." he bursted out laughing, confusing yeonjun. "i just wanted to stargaze, you know stargazing?" he pointed up to the sky. he let go of his bat and rubbed his drowsy eyes, "i have a huge test tomorrow, what the fuck is wrong with you." he laughed hearing this.

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