Part 7

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Suddenly it was the night of the election. We hadn't spoken privately for who knows how long, I'd lost the date long ago. I had managed to find him after our final speeches.
"Please don't," he begged as I walked up to him. In the silence of the moment, I stared back, not to defy him, or to make a statement that what I said was right, but to surrender, to tell him this is who I am, this is who you are, this is what I want, there is nothing but truth between us now, and where there's truth there are no barriers, and if nothing changes, let it never be said that either of us was unaware of what might happen. I hadn't a hope left. Maybe I stared because there wasn't a thing to lose now. Then I uttered the useless words, I'm sorry. Words that don't change anything, no one is entitled to forgive you once you say sorry, and so you stay unforgiven, useless.
"Joe," a pause, "My life as I know it, the me who is speaking with you now, will cease to exist if this silence continues. Please, just this once, turn to me, even in jest, or as an afterthought, when there is no one else and not a thing left to say in this world, look me in the face, hold my gaze, and call me your President, which would mean everything to me in this moment." He stood still, I felt tears swelling in my eyes, all I wanted was for him to hold me, I just wanted him, any part of him.
"Oh Donald," He grabbed my face. "How could I not forgive you, is there anything I couldn't forgive you for?" We embraced and something unexpected seemed to clear away between us, and, for a second, it seemed there was absolutely no difference between us, just two men, and even this seemed to dissolve, as 1 began to feel we were not even two men, just two beings. "You ready, the votes are almost all in?" I wish nothing else mattered in this world but us. I wished for a world just between us, no presidents, no taxes, no nothing, just us.
As we walked on stage I felt myself loosen my grip on him, I was nervous to face the people. Joe turned to me, "Is this okay?" He mouthed, I nodded. I looked away because he was staring at me, and I knew I was flushed, and I knew I'd made a face, though I still wanted him to stare at me even if it embarrassed me, and I wanted to keep staring at him too as we continued on stage. How far we had come from the bar, to this. I wanted it to last forever, because I knew there'd be no coming back from this. It happened not as I'd dreamed it would, but with a degree of discomfort that forced me to reveal more of myself than I cared to reveal to the world, to Joe.
"PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN!" We both smiled girlishly, I don't even know if either of us cared anymore, I was just happy to call him my President, regardless of if he had actually won or not. "Do you have any thoughts?" A reporter stared at me. Joe let go of my hand, a cold breeze blowing on it.
"Thank you everyone for your votes, and before I make any outrageous claims or promises that I won't fulfill I'd like to thank Donald Trump." No claps. "You were the first man in my heart, and I'd like you to be the first man in my bed. Will you do me the honor of being my President forever by being my husband?" He bent down on one knee while gasps echoed throughout the room, even the country.
"I'd like nothing more President Joe Biden."

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