Part 2

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"President Trump, Joe Biden will be coming over soon." I rolled over in bed, my hair disheveled and the blankets half covering me. I nodded, the exact moment I did so I felt a strong hangover take effect. The man who had awoken me understood and left promptly.
After I had showered and gotten ready I heard the front door open. I walked confidently over to the commotion but was stunned to see the man I had spent the night with just hours before standing in front of me.
"Nice to meet you," He said. I turned my head to avoid eye contact, did he not remember me? How could he not, I remembered everything. Perhaps he was playing it cool, what else was he supposed to do? Hey I saw you at the gay bar last night, in fact more than just saw you but... I was pulled out of my thoughts by an abrupt cough. I greeted him with a monotone hello and offered him a tour around, oblivious to the fact he had been in and out of the White House over the past 30 years.
"So you truly know nothing about being a government official?" He remarked, I assumed he was playing it safe and being rude to me, the nature of competition.
"Truly nothing, I guess I'm just a natural." I smiled at what I thought to be a flirty exchange, he didn't seem to find it funny.
The security guards eventually left us to wander around the hallways, even though Joe had seen it all before, I just wanted to be with him. Something too exposed for me to ever tell him, to let him have that vulnerability of me was to lose my position, my control. I could only show so much. Maybe it was for similar reasons that I would look away each time he looked at me: to conceal the strain on my timidness. That he might have found my avoidance offensive and retaliated with a hostile glance from time to time never crossed my mind at the time.
"Are you excited for the campaign?" I asked, making small banter in an effort to keep him with me.
"Who says competition should be friends?" He stopped in front of a painting of the Great Plains Indians.
"I thought we were more than friends." I gripped my fingers tightly. He didn't bother to look at me.
"I'm not sure what you're implying but I don't want anything to do with you besides my competitor. I've sworn to my people that I would take you down no matter the cost, so watch your mouth and don't try to," he paused, looking for the right word, "just don't." He turned on his heel and began walking down the hallway he had navigated many times before.
"So," I hesitated, the childish words kept spilling out of my mouth. "Last night meant nothing to you?" That stopped him.
"That was you?" He didn't turn to face me. I wonder why he said it with such disgust in his voice. "Don't ever mention that to me again," and that was the last I saw of him for another three weeks.

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