Part 1

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     Someone running against me? I sat there quietly, how could anyone run against me? I had done nothing wrong and served as an excellent President, must be those democrats trying to ruin everything good ever given to them by a Republican, happened to Reagan and now it's happening to me.
    "President Trump, are you okay?" I had forgotten to speak when caught up in my thoughts.
    "Who is this Joe Biden?"
    "You don't know who he is?" Mike Pence walked up from behind me. I shook my head. "He was the Vice President for Obama, he also helped work with Clinton, the democrats absolutely love him."
    "So how do I beat him?" A previous Vice President, that sounds like a good reputation, maybe I should be worried. Hilary was a democrat favorite though and I somehow won, no qualifications either.
    "I think you should meet him first before we tackle how to take him down, keep your friends close but your enemy closer. I'll set up a meeting for tomorrow President Trump." I nodded and headed to my room.
Joe Biden, what a name, I thought to myself. How could I beat him? Maybe going for a drink would get the juices flowing. I put on a baseball cap and some dark clothing I had laying around and headed out the back doors, security really isn't as tight as you would think it should be for the white house and all, but it helped me sneak out often so who was I to complain.
      Once I arrived at the bar I realized I didn't see any of the regulars, I guess it was a Monday night that I was there, and I typically went on their busier days. I waved to the only bartender I knew and took a seat in front of him.
    "The regular?" He asked, I flashed him a cheeky smile and he began making a fruity cocktail.
    "I don't think I've seen you around here before?" I turned to where this unfamiliar voice beckoned. There beside me stood a gentleman who looked maybe three years older, he was shorter than I and had a receding hairline with white strands that sat atop.
    "I don't typically come here on Mondays." I replied. He turned to the bartender and told him the drink was on him.
    "Is it okay that I bought your drink?" I smiled. He immediately caught my smile, and having caught it, smiled back, almost in self-mockery. After I'd made clear I'd intercepted it he smiled to confess he'd been caught. The whole thing thrilled me. We struck up a conversation and after about five drinks we decided to head to a hotel, where we had a splendid night together.
Afterwards while I headed home, I realized we never exchanged numbers, or even names. Such a shame, I thought, I really liked him, perhaps I'll have to go back another Monday evening.

Trump x Biden (Call Me Your President)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن