How my school goes

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On my first day of a new school there was a bully named Max. He bullied me every day, but one day this new girl named Sara, and help me be strong she told me lots of advice. Like even if the bully is mean to you they still have a heart they just never show in front of you because they don't think that you don't understand, so I thinking of this idea went to the bully she started talking to him thing. Saying why are you being mean to me. I didn't do anything wrong to Max tell me why you were being mean to me. I didn't harm you. I didn't do anything you need to talk to me or else. Max fell on the ground now he saw how Aadhya talk to her, so he had to talk to you no other choice. Aadhya so well I don't I think well I don't know why I'm going you you're just a nice girl and I was just being so mean to you. I'm sorry for being mean to you will you forgive me said Max. Aadhya said of course I will forgive you Max that's what best friends are for. Wait you're saying we're best friends. Forever and forever said Aadhya. From now onwards I will not bother you ever again and from that day onwards Max never bullied Aadhya again and he came out as best friend it's all because of Sarah is her lucky best friend. When you be nice someone and talk to them see how much friendship they give to you. Aadhya showed you to do something. If you just talk to them say Sarah's advice. Sarah told you that you have to have courage in yourself to do something. Otherwise you'll be in that situation forever, so is our responsibility to make ourselves life not miserable, and have hope in our lives you don't want someone bullying you again do you so make sure you talk to the bully and tell hey why are you bullying me because that's the only way you can find out that you can be friends with them you cannot be hopeful with them. I hope from the story you learned that everyone can be friends no matter if it's a bully or just a normal person who needs a friend everyone can have a friend and thank you very much for reading the story.
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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2022 ⏰

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