I sight "fuck off" I said and knock, I waited for a few seconds but they didn't open, I knocked again, and still nothing, I knocked one time and another time, and still nothing

I sight and leant into the door, I slid and sat on the ground "aren't they in the house? They didn't seem like someone who would like to go out"  I muttered to myself, I sight and closed my eyes "I will wait for them, I guess"

A few minutes later, I heard a click sound of the door getting unlocked, and the second after I fall backwards as the door opened, I hit my head on the ground "ouch!" I winced, I sat straight and rubbed the pain spot mentally cursing, then I realized 'the door is open!' I turned and I saw Chara standing next to the door one hand in their pocket while the other is still on the door handle, I slightly blushed and stood up

"H-hey!" I waved

They hesitantly waved back, and we both stood there awkwardly "don't you want to come in? You have been out there for 30 minutes" they said

"Thir-- how did you know?!" I said as I get in and they shut the door behind me, they leaned on the door crossing their arms, 'they look hot..' I thought, "I have been watching you from the window waiting for you to give up and leave" they said

"You have been watching me?!" I thought and crossed my arm 'do they hate me that much?'

"Yeah whatever, I believe you insist on seeing me for a worthy reason" they said

"Y-yeah, umm, I wanted like, to talk to you and to get to know each other and..." I said and I suddenly feel dumb

They frowned "thats it?"

I noded "I think..?" I said, I didn't know why I come in the first place, that is why I am bad at planning, I never thought about the next step I should make

They held their hand to their forehead and sight then they remove it "Why do you want to befriend me that bad? You are not winning a prize for being a friend with everyone in school" they said

"That's not it..." I quietly said "I want to be friends, for real"

They didn't look convinced, but they sight "ok sit down, I will be right back" they said, I sit on the couch, and stared into the ground 'I am not messing up, right?' I thought as I nervously rubbed my thumb across the palm of my other hand

Seconds later, they came with a tray has a cup of water on it and a jug, also of water, they put it down on the coffee table "I didn't know what you liked to drink, but since you are mx. perfect, I thought you'd like to drink water, you know, healthy stuff" they said with sarcasm in their voice

"I do drink water Chara, but I drink cola and everything else too" I argued

"That doesn't seem like a perfect behaviour" they said

"Yeah that's totally bad" I said not wanting the conversation to go anywhere further "say, isn't your parent at home?"

"Oh my parents? They are dead" they said it as if it was a normal topic

"Wh- I am sorry for your loss but, you are a minor, you can't be left to live alone you know" I said

"You are saying that I am weak?" They rose a brow

"Well- no? I- I don't think you are" I nervously said rubbing my thumb across my forefinger

"I see, well, to answer your question, I do have someone to take care of me, a foster family, but they live near me in another bigger house, they don't like me around"

"Oh ..." I said, the weather started to tense and so did I, then I remembered something "I just remembered that I got you something" I shoved my hand in my pocket and pulled a chocolate bar "it probably get melted now because it was in my pocket, but you can't blame me! I hate carrying bags" I said and handed them the bar, they looked surprised and confused

"How did you know that I liked chocolate?" They said

"Umm..." I rubbed behind my neck 'because I stalk you?' I thought but I can't say

"Thanks?" They said and their cheeks flushed with pink for a second "it's the first time someone gives me something" they smiled and my heart skipped a beat, their smile is so beautiful

"Umm, so I think I will be leaving now?" I said

"If you want to" they said, I stood up and said "yeah um, I thought we may talk more but I ran out of things to say" I headed to the door "bye" I waved as I opened the door, and they waved back and I stared into their ruby eyes for few seconds before leaving ...


Words 1518

Each Has A Secret (Chara X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now