Bonten Arc Part 4 🎴

Start from the beginning

taiju has red cheeks as he awkwardly looks away, "yeah." He clears his throat. He glances at her before quickly looking away. He was finally alone with her.

It was quiet in his apartment as they both ate the food he bought. (y/n), not liking the silence, spoke up, "how about a movie?" She offers, scratching her head.

taiju simply nods.

after their dinner ((y/n) had an extra one), they sat on his couch where he let her pick a movie. It was (movie name).

Halfway through the movie, taiju glances down at (y/n), surprised to see her asleep with her head on his shoulder. He grins softly, taking off the television with the remote and lifting the female into his arms as delicately as a flower, leading her into his room since it was closer, he lays her on his bed pulling the covers over her body. He sits beside her, quiet not to disturb her.

His eyes take in her peaceful face and his hand raises, inching towards her face. His knuckles caress her cheek and he brushes some stray hairs away from her soft skin. He bends down, lips touching her forehead, "goodnight, bubba shark." He murmurs to her before getting up and going to the bathroom to change into his night clothes which was a loose pants only. He slips in the bed and brings the (h/c)-ette close to his muscular and broad body, his body heat keeping her warm.

(y/n) snuggles close to him unaware. taijy grins softly, he's madly in love with her.


A few days later.....

(y/n) was walking home from her job at the hotel. It was 9:30 in the night. Her small heels clacked against the concrete floor. Tugging her jacket close to her, she kept her eyes open for any sign of muggers or shady ass people.

She pauses, the feeling of being watched befalling her. She narrows her eyes dangerously, she takes a sharp turn into the darkness of an alley, waiting in the shadows. Not long, she see's a manly figure entering after her.

She comes out, grabbing the male by the shirt with a fist-tight grip and slamming him in the brick wall, glaring, "what the fuck do you want!? why are you following me?!" She demands, tightening her grip.

the man grabs her hands, trying to get rid of her grip but it was futile. He wasn't going to say a word lest his boss kill him.

sensing that, (y/n) frowns heavily, "i heard a rumor you told me the reason why you're following me." She watches as the guy's eyes cloud over; almost in a trance-like state.

"I'm following you on direct orders from bonten." He answers simply, eyes in a daze, unseeing.

the answer was not good enough, it only arose more questions, "who is bonten? who is their leader? why is ordering you to follow me?" She demands, suffocating him with his grip, nearly choking him.

"bonten is a japan's top criminal syndicate. My boss is sano manjiro and the reason why, i do not know, i simply follow orders." The man reveals in his trance-like state, the answer prompting (y/n) to let go of him as if she's been stung with venom, staring at him in disbelief. mikey?..he's bonten's boss?..but why is he having his men follow me? for what reason? She quickly knocks the man unconscious, leaving his body in the alleyway as she quickly goes home, lost in her thoughts as she all felt was confusion and anger.

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