One Shot

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POV-"Mom what is this?" your daughter asked pointing at a photo album while you were cleaning the store room of your house. "That is a story book." you replied taking the album off the shelf. "A story book? What's it about?" she asked looking at it curiously. "It's about two people who fell in love, and fought everything and everyone just to be with each other." you replied looking at it with a small smile.
You were walking back home after school thinking about your mom who was in the hospital as she had cancer and probably only a few months to live, when you saw a guy leaning on a wall next to him barely able to stand. He was badly bruised and had a few cuts on his body. Without thinking twice you went to him and held his arm to support him a little, "Are you okay?" you asked. He looked at you and was going to reply but instead lost his balance and fell on his knees, you helped him stay still and awake and called an ambulance. After a few hours, he finally woke up and saw you looking at him with concern. "What happened to you?" you asked. He was not someone who would easily share their feelings with a random stranger, but with you, he felt different like you can be trusted. So he told you everything from the start, about how his dad died and his mom married this guy who beats him almost every day. How he loves to study and read but can't do that properly because of his stepdad. And how he is bullied at school for being the quiet kid.
Another hour passed with you two just talking about random stuff, finally, you decided to leave so that he can rest. You were almost by the door when you heard him."Hey, wait I don't even know your name yet." "It's y/n." you replied. "Oh. I'm Jungkook by the way." he said giving you a cute bunny smile. You smiled back and left and decided that whatever happens you were gonna help Jungkook with all his problems.

You helped him confront his dad, and find a place for himself to live alone where he doesn't have to deal with his abusive stepdad. He found a job and finally started focusing on his studies. You helped him be confident and to stand up to his bullies. You even took him to meet your mom, she loved him and the way he treated you. And while you were helping him overcome his problems he helped you overcome yours. He was by your side when you needed support after your mom died. He helped you grieve and was the only person who made you smile. And through all this what you both didn't notice was how hard you fell for each other. But after a few months, you both finally confessed your feelings and started dating. You both wanted to spend your life with each other but not every story has a happy ending, his stepdad couldn't see him happy and he used a few connections he had with some dangerous people to separate you both. So he planned to kill you and Jungkook. One day while you were grocery shopping someone pulled out a gun and shot your boyfriend, the guy you loved. You couldn't stop crying as he was taken to the hospital.
*Flashback ends*
You didn't notice you had tears running down you cheeks until you heard your daughter call out to you. "Momma why are you crying?" she asked looking at you worriedly. "Nothing baby I'm fine." you gave her a small smile to reassure her. Just then you heard the main door open and saw your husband walk in. He looked at you and smiled. Then his eyes fell on the album you were holding and he walked up to you and gave you a kiss and hugged you. "It's okay, I'm here." he tried to comfort you. "I love you Jungkook." you whispered. "I love you too Y/N." he said giving you a small smile.
He had survived that day you both had finally managed to get his stepdad arrested. After a few years Jungkook was the owner of one of the biggest companies in the world and you were a successful lawyer. You both got married and had a beautiful daughter a year after your marriage.

One shot (Jungkook-BTS)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant