Choices and Crushes

Start from the beginning

"I promise, Freddie." Mikayla whispered before Fred captured her lips with his own, the kiss was urgent and passionate, and deepened with every movement. Mikayla could feel Fred harden against her thigh and couldn't resist but reposition herself to straddle him. "Again, really?" The blonde chuckled softly against Fred's lips. "Can't. Help. It." Fred said in between kisses, "plus, I've got to give you something to remember me by for the next six weeks." Fred joked when his lips moved to kiss Mikayla's neck. "I could never forget you, Freddie." Mikayla smiled brightly, and didn't protest when Fred flipped them over so that she was laying on the bed.

Fred and Mikayla headed downstairs for lunch after a long shower of making sure each other was okay after a rough round two. Mikayla couldn't stop smiling, but luckily her post-orgasm joy was hidden amongst the others of the house that were excitedly chatting about the wedding, which was due to start in three hours. The Delacours were nowhere to be seen, but you could hear French exclamations and bickering float down the stairs every now and again as Fleur got ready for the wedding away from her fiancé eyes. Ron, Hermione and Harry were being rather quiet despite the fact that Molly had allowed them all in close proximity with each other.

Last night the foursome had met up while everyone else was asleep to discuss the objects that Dumbledore left them. They spent an hour examining the objects but found nothing, not a single clue as to what Dumbledore's bequest meant. The only one that really seemed useful to them all was the Deluminator, it's function was rather obvious. Mikayla had tried once again in tracking the magical traces on the objects, not just her own but the others' too.

She was unsuccessful in discovering anything, she could feel the traces were there but it seemed someone had blocked her out. Perhaps it was Dumbledore keeping her out of the loop or perhaps the Minister did it as an attempt to delay the foursome's schemes. In the end, they found themselves with more unanswered questions than what they started with, it was a rather glum conclusion to Harry's birthday.

When Mikayla and Ginny had finished their lunch, Molly ordered them upstairs with the Delacours lunch, stating that they all should start getting ready now anyway. Mikayla internally believed it was ridiculous for them to start getting ready when the wedding didn't start for another three hours, but didn't argue. The stress of leading up to the wedding has seemed to be settled within Molly by the day finally arriving. She did have a bit of a cry when Percy sent back the wedding invitation stating that he will not be attending the wedding, but other than that her mood has be light and somewhat relaxed.

Mikayla handled the lunch tray, following silently behind Ginny as they climbed the stairs towards the Burrow's fourth floor. Ginny knocked on the door, alerting their arrival and the room fell silent. "Who is it?" François called out, "Mikayla and Ginny. We've got breakfast and some soothing company." Mikayla responds through the door before François opens it, to let them inside. Mikayla had barely released her hold on the tray, that she left on their white work desk, before she was surrounded by the Delacours, or rather the tray was.

They devoured their lunch in minutes, only letting out low hums of delight and forgetting all the elegant etiquette that they usually perform during mealtimes. Mikayla wasn't sure if it was stress eating or their efforts to waste the least amount of time on some menial task, such as eating, when they had a wedding to prepare for. Picking up the anxiety and tension that was pulsating in each of their auras, Mikayla summoned her small potion box. She searched through it and gave them each a vial of Draught of Living Peace, which they all took as if it were a shot of Fire Whiskey.

Mikayla transfigured some of the furniture in the room to give them all more space, turning the desk into a vanity table, the bed into a large couch, and the doors of the wardrobe into full length mirrors. Ginny opened the window to get some fresh flowing through the room, before organising the bouquets on the table by the door to grab on their way out. The bridesmaid's bouquets were simple, as their gold/champagne dresses are rather loud and more of a statement piece, fresh white roses with fake golden berries.

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