Part 5 - The person in Black

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Lisa and Yn got in Yn's car and left the house


I was waiting for Lisa to talk about the matter, but she isn't talking yet. I looked at her side to check on her, but she looks so pale... I mean she IS pale but she doesn't look so fine at all...

Yn: Liz, you okay?


Yn: Lisa!!

Lisa: Oh? I'm sorry I was spacing out. What were you saying?

Yn: You said you wanted to tell me something?

Lisa: Oh that? *nervously*

Yn: (Why is she hesitating..?) Yeah...

Lisa: Actually, I don't know why but, Lia was threatening me not to go outside before I called you. And that's why I informed you that I will be late...

Yn: So she let you go out after a while right?

Lisa: She didn't really let me ...

Yn: Then?

Lisa: She went outside of the house so I waited for about 10 more minutes and also left for your house...

Yn: Maybe she was in a bad mood?

Lisa: Yeah maybe, cause she is not like that normally

Yn: Yes

(Time skip - YN POV)

We arrived at my Grandfather's house. And it seems like there's a fight going on inside the house. "Is grandpa fighting with a neighbor or someone else?"

Suddenly everything got silent. I and Lisa looked at each other and decided to go inside. But while we were getting closer to the house we saw someone wearing all black running outside the house from the back door. Both of us quickly ran towards the person and I saw that person dropped something while running and then looked back at us. The person was wearing a mask too, so we couldn't see what kind of an appearance the person has. But after a moment the person disappeared into the forest near y the house. So we quickly went back to check on my grandfather

We entered from the back door and walked into the Living room

Lisa: Yn! Isn't that-

To Be Continued...

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