Chapter 4

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Immediately after Y/n had entered the house, being led by Omitsu, Warabihime's nose was filled with a burning smell of wisteria. So she had made it in.

Now, in the late evening, barely an hour after the walk of the Oiran in the late and dark hours of the district, this girl had already managed to get on each of the Oiran's nerves.

A small lamp outside the house had already started burning out, making the place seem even more eerie despite the swarm of people outside.


Y/n was aware of what was going to happen now, and she knew very well that the rest of the girls would be threatened by her presence. Yet, there were some pure souls.

As the girl was shown around the house, made familiar with her bedroom and the rest of the tenants, she and Omitsu had ran into a group of very young girls. They were all swarming around Y/n, admiring her beauty and all taking turns to shower her with compliments. "Ah y/n-san! What a pretty name!" "Your kimono is very beautiful!" "Will you teach me to do my hair like yours?"

Omitsu had pulled a stern face at the girls, making them suddenly scatter before she turned to look at the girl. "That concludes almost everyone, the Oiran would not appreciate being disturbed at the moment, so you may head to your sleeping quarters and meet her tomorrow evening as she finds great displeasure in the daytime." 

Y/n simply nodded, bowed and headed towards her allocated bedroom. As she was about to reach her door, she noticed she was very close to a silent hallway, one that seemed dark and closed off. Now, she knew better than to go and find out more about the hallway, and so she decided to leave it for the next rising of the sun. Yet, she couldn't shake off the feeling of tension that she gets when confronted with a demon. Something was close, and she knew she was spot on with her instincts, it hadn't let her down before and certainly wouldn't let her down now.


The very next day, many of the girls had crowded around y/n, antagonising and criticising each other's beauty techniques as they fought over who got to experiment what styles of makeup, hair, jewellery and more on the girl.

She just sat there, trying not to make any enemies, as she might need the girl's trust to confide in her later if something were to happen. Calmly, after 45 minutes of fighting, the girls had managed to come up with a system to alternate turns between them.

Two of the girls had picked out this absolutely stunning kimono, a deep black fabric falling off of y/n's shoulders and beautiful gold embroidery on the red fabric, laced with colourful flowers, patterns and more

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Two of the girls had picked out this absolutely stunning kimono, a deep black fabric falling off of y/n's shoulders and beautiful gold embroidery on the red fabric, laced with colourful flowers, patterns and more. When they stepped back, they were speechless.

"Oh wow y/n-san! You look so beautiful!", "Oh the red and black suits your complexion beautifully." "One would think that you're and Oiran simply by looking at your natural beauty in that kimono!"

Many compliments were thrown over y/n, and she politely accepted, trying to remain quiet and non biased, but she couldn't disagree. The kimono made her complexion vibrant and spectacular, and made y/n look of a certain class and authority. They had also gone as far as to shape and paint her nails with a deep red to match the fabric and add a beautiful look of makeup. 

The girls had even collected golden pins and accessories for her hair beautifully ended off with blood red gems, roses and black and gold patterns intertwining amongst the pin's sheath. They had styled her hair with various buns and combs and pins to hold everything together. Now the girl really did look like an Oiran. 

She looked stunning. Her femininity shined brightly amongst the girls and they all took a step back to admire their work. They couldn't stop causing a display about y/n's beauty. They even felt the need to call the headmistress, Omitsu, to take a look at how beautiful she was.

The headmistress had arrived irritated at the commotion, but stood shellshocked at the scene before her. Her eyes softened and her mouth hung open is in disbelief. She knew the girl was beautiful, but never had she fathomed her beauty to be this enhancing. She had to clasp her hand over her mouth to prevent it from going dry as the air was starting to create creases amongst her lips. She even went as far as shedding some tears and giving the girl a hug and complimenting how lovely she looked.

That was new.


That same day, the sun had started to set as the girls of the house had spent the entire day getting to know the new girl of the house. All except one. Warabihime.

As the girls were sitting in your room in a circle, the younger girls had started to search for the older courtesans, and slightly slid the screen door to y/n's room open, poking their heads in ever so slightly. Y/n smiled and invited them in, seeing their eager faces light up before dashing to find a resting spot for their heads on y/n's lap. Some girls lightly scolded them as to prevent their hair from getting ruined, but y/n shook it off as the sun was setting, and the younger girls would be in bed soon. 

Their jewelled heads embedding themselves into the thick fabric of her kimono, making the hashira look down and gently start removing the gemmed pins from their stiffened and tightly but neatly put-together hair.

The rest of the girls continued to talk, share stories about their lives, except y/n, she had to make things up as to not indulge too much information to the oblivious girls. 

After they had all said goodnight, y/n had reflected on her time with the girls. They were kind and genuine, something she hadn't seen in a long time, somewhat disappointed she couldn't truthfully indulge in their conversations about their history. But despite that, she decided that after her long day, it would be a good idea to go to the onsen. (hot springs!!!)

She kneeled on her futon, and carefully started removing the pins from her hair, surprised the girls managed to fit so many onto her head. She gently put them all together into a jewelled box next to her that was thinly lined with gold rims. She then started washing off her makeup that the girls had caked onto her face. Because she was a hashira, and was constantly sweating and doing high intensity work, she wasn't used to makeup as it would end up getting ruined before the day had begun.

And with that, she had gotten up and headed to the onsen. It was beautiful, even more so at night because of its solemnness. In the changing room, she had placed down her fresh kimono, one that allowed much more mobility because of the slit in the fabric.

- M_Storyz

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